Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My End, It Justifies My Means. All I Ever Do I Delay...

Fuck the whole 'no posts for a while' thing.

I will warn you, I've nearly finished writing another song (well, it's more randomly pressing numbers into Guitar Pro and hoping they'll sound alright together), and there's a chance that I'll upload them onto the net. Yes, not only do I penertrate your monitors with my lifeless blog posts and skill-less photo and video edits, I must destroy every sense possibly and upload music I've 'created' for your eardrums to pound an enormous headache for you. Just be glad I'm not going to cook you dinner. If I did, it'll be a microwavable pizza.

Matthew Evans, a dude I hang around with in school (by the way, hi Matt. (=. ), requested that I should minimize the amount of Guitar Hero I should mention. And I agree. This'll be the last time I'll say anything Guitar Hero-ie in a while (well, until the fifth one's in my possession). Just to answer the thing I said in the last post. Finally got Guitar Hero III, and I managed to do Raining Blood on Expert. Four stars too....

Yeah, it's true. I haven't left my house since school ended. The furthest I've been out of my house is down by the steps to hand my sister the baby seat so then Ricky (if I haven't said before, he'd be my two year old nephew). It's basically the same order in the day for me. Wake up roughly sevenish, or eleven at the latest. Watch tellie until the news comes on. Go on a Guitar Hero. Get off the XBox. Sit around, watching tellie. Pick up the bass/guitar. Turn my laptop on to make layout/finish song/search something online (can only do one of those three right). Stay online until one. Try to sleep (which might be at two, as a guess). And during then I have something to eat either once or twice in the day. Oh, it's also sad that I actually kind of know whats happening on Emmerdale, Corronation Street and Eastenders. So, er.... someone help me? =).

Yeah, I'll post the link to the profile where I've post the midi files. Most probably it'll be on my Ultimate Guitar profile (if you can guess my username, then your almost as sad as me for having it). It might be tomorrow actually.

Oh, three pieces of trivia for you...

- This is my (I think) twenty fifth post. Yey.
- Most of my songs are in a Be Bop scale. Not sure the definition is of it is, but the C Be Bop scale consists of the following notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, A#, B, C. So, if anyone's got a definition of what a Be Bop scale is, then please let me know. =).
- Apparently, sperm speed is affected by the attractiveness of a woman... don't ask me how I know... I haven't done any sick experiments, okay?

Most probably I'll see you tomorrow (well, talk to you... well add text to my blog and hope that a few people actually read it).

- Fin.

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