Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

Yeah, don't worry. I've just had that Queen title in my head for some reason. Wey.

Anyways, lovely day.

I had my results for CH2, CH4 and PH4 (or, the two chemistry and the physics exams I sat in January). And to be fair, I done crap. Utter crap.

For the course in the Atrium (which is Creative Technologies), I need at least two B's and a C in my overall A level results. After I finished those three module exams, I felt that I was more or less on the road to those grades. Not after I looked at them.

Two E's and a D. The D in Physics.

Man, I felt like an eejit after seeing that. That means that I am now on a D overall for Chemistry, no idea about Physics, maybe slightly better, but not by much. So I am on course for the C I need... all that's left is those B's...

If I work hard at it, Music Tech should yield me a B. It's the best chance for me, I believe. Physics will take a whole lot of shite to work through, especially after the first PH6 exam that I sat last week. Not sure on the grade, but I had sixty percent. Not bad, considering how crap I are usually at them.

Then a week later, I had the results of all the exams I've sat thus far in Sixth Form. I've found out that I am on a borderline C for Physics (the milestone for C is 180... I've got 180... =] ), and six marks away from a C in Chemistry (again, a C needs 180 from the two exams and the practical exam). So yeah, even though it's still looks bleak (well, for me anyways), it's a nicer shade of bleak. Nice.

Also, I may have the results of the practical side of PH6 tomorrow... hope that's a good'un.

Yeah, that's the school stuff's dunne. Yey.

By the ways, I shall start to try to type shite, not shaite. I've had a complaint... Hehe.

Anysupermassiveblackhole, I've realised that I have an odd perspective on life and all that it consumes.

What do I mean? Well, obviously alcohol, life and the modern days... but also...

Women. I shall expand with equal parts hope and dread... =].

I think I'm the only one - at least in school, in my year - who sees a woman and doesn't think I would. I just don't think in that way. Yeah, I'll probably think someone's good looking or whatnot, that don't mean I'd bonk them constantly. And also, though its to the disbelief to some people, I don't think Cheryl Cole's attractive. Sure, she's pretty, but all the same, no. Same to Paramore's Hayley Williams. I just wouldn't. Meh, I know I'm in the minority. In this case, I like being in this minority. Woop.

Don't judge me... =].

In other news. I has Final Fantasy XIII. It's pretty epic, to be fair. I hope this ain't the last Final Fantasy to be on the Xbox 360. I'm only like, a third of the way so far, either that or a quarter. But still, so far, so bleedin' well good. Only problem is, that the Vanille and Serah are supposed to be nineteen (roughly), they look more like fifteen... other than that, it's all good.

I shall leave you now... not before I leave this here...

For some reason, that's been in my head ever since I heard it first... And it has Bruce Willis in it. Well good.

- McFin's.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Could You Be Loved?

Well hello, dear reader... well, not that dear... I haven't paid you yet.

I'll be honest with you, this is the first blog that I've done (well, currently doing) that is wireless. Yes, I've resorted to use the wireless function on my laptop for no apparent reason other than just to say I can go wireless. Beat that, you Ethernet cable users.

It is also a welcome return to late night blogging (and other people my age would either be being pissed or doing a nine-pinter at this time at night). Well, I say 'welcome', I'm passing the time between starting to feel tired and actually getting into bed. As of now, I am at five percent on the tiredness indicator, though with over half my battery left to go, this should be a short'un. No promises though.

So yeah, I've written two paragraphs, and now I have no idea what to write (well, type) about. Until now.

I've just realized two things. The first thing is that Firefox has a spellchecker and I believe it's set to US English, and not Welsh English.... Damn you, you hound of flames...

Also, I've started to have a sort of a don't speak unless spoken to idea on life. Y'know, it's like, I have nothing interesting to talk about (I mean, look at all the blog posts, nothing interesting... just bizarre...), so why talk? Why burden other people with useless information that is, well, useless? Saying that, it doesn't mean that I won't talk back if you start talking to me, it's just that I'm not the best conversationalist.

And, to be fair, that ideal has gone through to Life 2.0 (or, for the people who didn't get it, online life). It sounds rather pathetic, but I try to keep myself to myself on Facebook and all that. I delete anything on my wall that I don't like, or that says that I've done something. I've gone as far as to delete some groups that I became a fan of because I've saw no point in them. I mean, just because you sing out aloud to songs, doesn't mean joining a group with everyone else that does this makes you superior to everyone who doesn't do it. Or whatever the reason of joining the group is. If it's a way to meet new people, it's not the best way. I've just realized I'm having a rant on something pretty pointless.

Maybe you're wondering why this has made me type a blog up on it, maybe you'd rather have a verbal enema. But by the by, I shall continue.

For some reasons or other, there have been mini arguments - marguments, if you will. I don't know what about, neither do I care. But I tell you one thing, if everyone learned to shut up (or, at least thought about what they said before they said the think), the world would be a better place. Or at least a quieter one. But no, we live in a civilization where free speech entitles people to not think about what they are about to say.


Sometimes, I think it would've been better if humanity didn't progress so quick. Yeah, I know that it's been millions of years of progress, but it's because of this is where we at today. I mean, this age is the age where there's no real fight for survival, no day-by-day life threatening problems (unless you're one of these people that believe a bad hair day is a reasonable reason for committing suicide... and if you are, you need help). The only thing people (well, the majority of people, as it seems to me) worry about is getting high/pissed and getting laid.

Where as, if we were in the same era as the Stone Agers, there'd be a reason to fight, reason to fear (and if you think balloons and clowns are reasons to fear, it's not the same as having the fear that your family could die from an unknown virus or just killed in their sleep). I honestly have no idea why I'm saying these things. I'd be dead years ago if we lived in that lifestyle (and yet, you wouldn't be reading this), but it's like the further the human race progresses, the need to be aware lessens. If that makes sense.

But then again, if we did live in the Stone age type of life, I wouldn't have known anything about music apart from the fact that hitting things with sticks makes sounds. There wouldn't be no Bob Marley to listen to. And that's unheard of these days. Yes, the title of this blog is a Marley song, one of my favorites from him (the song is about God, I believe, either if you could be loved by the almighty one, though I may be wrong). And, in Redemption Song, 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds...'. Don't ask me why I quoted Bob Marley. He was amazing. But those lyrics are true. Only we can free our minds from things. I'll be honest when I say I'm not sure what he means by mental slavery, maybe it could be peer-pressure, doubt, or anything that can hold you back or has an ability to create an air of fear and hatred inside of you. Whatever it means, I'm going to try to follow that.

Yeah, just be glad I didn't go the whole hog and quote Three Little Birds...

Also, sorry for the weird path of this blog, but yeah, this is the end. Smilie face.

- So much trouble in the FIN.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Everything's Gonna Be Alright

Hello there, fiend/roman/countryman.

Did'cha miss me? Did you even remember me? *goes crying in the corner, then remembering that's an emo thing to do get back on laptop to carry on writing the blog*.

Nah, I joke. =].

So yeah, it has been over a month ago since I posted here last. Honestly? I had nothing interesting to write about, and still don't. But hey, if this help wail the hours away as Alan Titchmarch talks to people about what they are doing on his show, then happy days.

First off, it was the Eisteddfod a couple weeks back. 'Tweren't bad considering it was the last one for me in Rhydfelen/Gartholwg/Enter-name-of-school-and-get-a-free-pack-of-lard. Dafydd, my house, didn't win. Our fellow blues won I believe. But anyways, the one thing I am happy about is wining the 'Grwp Roc' contest (guess what grwp roc stands for... yes, its riverdancing...). I was the replacement drummer in the band 'Dienw' (because, we're so good, we don't need a name...). I was the bassist, but since the original drummer didn't have the time to do it, I stepped in as drummer. I suppose that's a good thing about being able to play more than one instrument... even if it's like that old saying of jack of all trades, master of fuck all. That's me. =].

But anyways, we were the last one's up on stage. And it went alright, well it did considering we won the thing. I made a massive cock-up when my right hand decided that the floor felt lonely and needed a drumstick. Luckily, the dude who owned the drumkit had left a spare pair o' sticks on the bass drum, so I continued on with the bangage, laughing until the end. The funny thing is, when I was talking to people about this incident, only one or two people took notice of this. I'm like, =\ (since I had no idea how to say it in words, so a smilie will do), since it was like a full three, four bars with no drums there. Ah well, imagine if I didn't cock up... Hehe.

In other news, I've kind of found the drum kit I want. Since it's going to fit in my room, an electric one shall be the order of the day. I think it's called the Alesis DM6 Kit. Anyone know if this is good or not? All the reviews that I've seen say it's a decent kit. But I are not sure...

Talking about news. You know Wicid? Well, it's up. The fourth county website connected to the Clic family, the newest one will be from Newport, oo-er. Not only that, I am the sub-editor for the site. =]. Yeah, beat that. I have written one article so far... It's here, bruv. I've uploaded a theme also, it ain't that good...

I have nearly finished a song on Guitar Pro 5, and to me it sounds really close to this (oh, look here, making the reader work out their fingers... er... =]). The song I have made for that Alone poem is nearly done, thanks to a pretty cool solo made by Adam (thanks for that... =]). All I'm going to do is record the distorted guitars (lead and rhythm), the acoustic guitar, maybe the bass, and the vocals. Such happiness in life.

Academically, I'm feeling that I'm on the subjects that could raise my grades by a fair amount. I know it's only getting harder, but I don't mind with the subjects and what they consist of. Yeah, boy. =].

I shall leave you go...


- I don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall to sleep 'cause I miss you babe, and I don't wanna miss a FIN.