Monday, October 05, 2009

This Is My Disease...

I should begin with a congratulatory... er, congratulations.... if that's possible.

You are reading... my fiftieth blog post.

This pretty much solidifies the fact that I do have less of a life than someone that has the same characteristics as me but less of them.

So, how does it feel?

Well, it's not a good week so far.


Frankie Boyle, has left Mock The Week.

*engages shocked face*.

Ah well, no more rasist Scottish dude... maybe there'll be a Welshie person now... oh yeah the new series will be in January (I believe), which is sooner than it should... Woop.

Ah well, someone else shall be the possessor of the racist door.

In other news... Music Technology's going (hopefully) well. If only the Fostex (the multitrack recorder that the school has... unfortunately) didn't break with feeble ease. I mean, pressing the on button once, and it breaks? What's up with that? Ah well, pretty well began with all three tracks. Got's myself a vocal line for the poem, though nothing else so far. The ideas I have change with nearly every song I hear. Example, I hear a Rise Against song... and I have an idea, then the next song, say by Muse, and I forget the first idea and get a new one. This has happened frequently ever since the vocals have been thaught out (which are based upon a Rise Against song). Ah well.

Recordin-wise, so far only recorded the drums. Since there's a double lesson tomorrow, I might be able to add either the electric guitar or the bass. Then the Blondie song's halfway through doing. Only problem I can find is the fact that I haven't got the sounds on that song on my laptop... ah I'll find a way.

Chemistry and Physics have recently picked up, for some reason. We had a test in Chemistry this morning, and I found it alright (considering I only have a basic grasp on the work we're going through now). Same with Physics too, apart that we have had not had a test... that I know of...

Er... just watched a scene on Coronation Street (yeah, sad I know)... nad had another 'shit...' moment. Ah well, anyone got an idea how to get rid of these thaughts?

So yeah... that nearly concludes the fiftieth post... roll on the seventy-fifth... hopefully that won't be before Christmas. If it happens, then you may hack into my account, and change the name of this blog to something about kestrils.

Ah well.

Before I go...

Got to love Rise Against.

- Fin... DOT COM.

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