I'll be honest, I've been looking at the Create Post thing for ages, just thinking of a title. Yeah, I might be the only person who does the title even before they know what they are writing about. But now I've overheard a quote, it's well good. =]. I'll admit, it's from Coronation Street, me mother is watching it. Please don't judge me.
Anyway, I've resorted to saying 'anyway' instead of 'anykerfuffle' and the like. Also, just now I was forced, by my parents, to perform for my sister's boyfriend. What did this performance involve? Well, solving a Rubix cube. He didn't believe that I could do it. I did it. He was impressed. I did two patterns. He was further impressed. But it was not the mere act of solving the six sided puzzle was the main event. It was the creation of a new being that was the highlight of the two minute-odd act of moving twenty-six small cubes into position...
As I was in the act of solving the cube of colours, my sister (MkII, if you were wondering) asked her boyfriend (let's call him BfII, meaning 'boyfriend two', as all my sisters have boyfriends) something. And the subject of chastity belts accrued. At that moment, BfII looked at the cube, and gave birth to a thought...
What about a Rubix cube chastity belt?
What a way to stop your children from relentless bonkage. Attach a Rubix cube to a chastity belt, which if fixed releases the belt. But as it's rather hard to solve quickly (especially for people who haven't tried it before), it will ruin the mood, and the possibility of the act where the male inserts his penis into a female's vagina will not happen.
And, according to BfII, I'd be good at it. The solving the cube, not wearing a chastity belt. I mean, it would be a rarity. Such a rarity that I would probably forget how to solve the cube that I'll end up as a victim of the cube, not the conqueror of the cube (and coincidentally, the girl).
If you're thinking Yey, he's got a title for his blog from a Billy Talent song... Yeah, I didn't. I just glanced at my door, where I have, hanging with pride and honesty, my Welsh flag. But I couldn't call it Red, White and Green Flag 'cause that would be a stupid title (Ahem...). And if I called it Welsh Flag you might assume that this would be a an overly-patriotic post on how Wales is being crippled by the British 'empire' and how we should rise up and be thankful of our Welsh language.
Yeah, I think I've lost some of you already.
I shall continue, if I still have you, that is. Heh, reminds me of my first date, that...
Anywho, I've actually started this post because I read a blog which overused the word 'ass'. Yes, it's a rant post.
Maybe it's because I live in Wales (or the United Kingdom... yeah, it's not really that united, isn't it?...), but I take the word 'ass', and instantly think 'donkey'.
Why? Because it does mean donkey.
If you want to say your bum, your buttocks, it's ARSE. See? ARSE. Bugger the fact that the spelling thing that I have on my internet browser says that it's spelled wrong. It's not. Why? Because. Yeah, you just got told. Booya.
Another thing that got me thinking was a Family Guy episode yesterday. Y'know, the one where Brian's ex was marrying a guy? Well, he says in it "I could care less". That hit me there, right there (if you can't see me through this blog, I'm pointing at my left leg). I shall refer to David Mitchell for my reasonings...
Maybe I shouldn't use a comedian person thing to argue my point. But I have. So yeah. Hi there.
I have ranted a bit here. I shall rant some more. This time, on cocks.
Yes, I live in a house. A terraced house. The problem? The neighbours on both sides are cocks (and you thought I was going to talk about cockfighting...).
Allow me to elaborate...
To the left of my house (if you were outside my front door, facing the house), there is a family. They aren't bad, apart from the father. He seems like the type of person who if you don't do what he wants, he'll do it anyway. Do it without even thinking. This happened recently. He asked my father to chop down the trees behind the house. My father said okay, in a minute. But, a few moments later, I hear my mother cry (as in shout out loud, not sobsobsob). She saw the man next door starting to hack the trees randomly. Not good. But, unlike the other neighbour, he apologised and helped out to fix it.
The right neighbour (well, the bitch neighbour from hell) is just interested in short-term gain. Why do I think that? Well, considering that she had her loft converted illegally and the fact she took down a fence thing that held up a fire escape and now that if a fire was to start in my house then nobody could go through that way. Shit, that was a long sentence. But yeah. If there was a fire downstairs right now, we would not be able to use one way out since the floor thing that's there would break and we'll break a leg or our sense of well-being. And today, she cut the hedge that is inbetween us, but she's cut the hedge on our side also. And adding the whole 'her daughter smokes and chucks all the butts on our roof' thing, then yeah...
To be honest, I have no idea why I wrote all that. So, to compensate, here's a picture of Pikachu...
So yeah, it seems like my last post is a catalyst in all but name... and meaning. But meh.
Yesterday, a word that would win you a round in Countdown, saw the dawn of a new age for me. Yes, my drums arrived. I would stick a photo up of them here for your eyes to gaze upon, but then again, you'll probably just look at it and think Jees Ga, it's just a drum kit... so to compensate, here is another image for your eyes to absorb...
Yes, I do go on that site nearly everyday...
Anyways, considering I ordered the drums last Thursday, it took three working days to get here (they said it might take between three to seven working days). Not bad for the Germans, eh? I forgot to name the drum kit I ordered. It's the Millennium MPS-600 Kit. Three cymbals (one of them works as the hi-hat), one ride cymbal, four toms, a snare and a bass pad. Yeah. I also bought the double bass pedal, which is lucky since the bass pedal that came with the kit isn't the best one. Anyways, it's a decent kit, well worth the 650 euros (the drums bundle themselves were 555 euros and the double bass pedal was 95 euros). Yeah... sorry if that's not in your interests...
In other, more thought provoking lines, I saw a television advert. That wasn't the thought provoking thing, but what it had on it, was the thing. On the advert, or whatever it was, there was a question on it. What's your angle?, Okay, it was a fishing reference, but it got me thinking. What's my angle, my purpose in things, in life? Yeah, I do think too much, don't I?
Since it's going on for eight now, I shall break it down a bit now (Ahem... SoundCloud... =]...).
First of, in life. One, I'm an eighteen year old man-boy thing, who is most probably on the anti-social side of the spectrum. No job. No real prospects as of yet. No real talents that amazes others. So on the basics, I'm on the wrong angle. But yeah, at least I'll be sober enough to see my life out and have a clear mind on all decisions I take. Think what you will, but I think that's a positive. Not smoking's another one... I'll be honest I've just completely forgotten what I was going to write, so I shall stop here and allow the thoughts to arrive back on another day.
I will leave you now. I'm going to have a bang on me drums. =].
It's been a while since my last post. But then again, I have not had the pleasure of having anything to type about. I still don't. But then again, it's me. So yeah, have fun reading this. =].
It's the holidays now for me. Well, it has been ever since I failed PH5 on the last Tuesday of June. I'll be really surprised if I get a better mark in Physics than I do in Chemistry. But then again, I'll be ecstatic if I actually get anything higher than a C in anything.
Anyways, it's the time of year when people go out to other places in the world because they finished writing on examination papers for now (or forever, depending on what course they're doing in Uni, or if they aren't going to Uni). And, you might have guessed, I'm going to Majorca in three weeks. Ah, I could never lie to you, even though I just tried to. No, I'm going to stay in my house until it's time for me to get my results, and then stay inside again until I either have to go to Uni, or if I manage to do something else. Yes, I am very hardcore.
But as other people spend their money on holidays and memories to remember in their old age, I've bought myself a drum kit. Yeah. Would saying 'beat that' count as a pun? I don't know, but I do know this counts as a pun...
Yeah, that's very funny... very funny...
Anyrimshot, I have bought myself a drum kit. It's an electric drum kit. I also bought myself a double bass pedal to replace the pedal that comes with the drum kit, 'cause I iz brootalz lyk dat, bruv. No, it's because I would like to evolve my usage of double bass drummage to the max. Or, at least to an acceptable level of bangage. You get me?
I shall continue, in a manner that is only topped by my lack of confidence in dance.
So the final of the Wold Cup is upon us, and the bastard Germans aren't in the final. You scored four goals against both England and Argentina, and you couldn't score a goal against a side who has had a player voted 'sexiest man in the World Cup'? Man, that's like Michael Schumacher losing to Katie Price in Formula One. Yes, I'm comparing Spain to Katie Price. Why? Because if they don't get their own way, they're moan about it until they do get their own way. And they're both false. Yeah, don't judge me. At least the Dutch are in the final. Finally, we've got an orange team in the final. Mozeltoff. Ah well, at least Argentina aren't there...
Oh, that reminds me. You know the psychic octopus that has "predicted" that Spain will win... so what he got 80% of the matches right, how many matches has there been? About thirty-odd? Shouldn't there be some sort of experiment that had over a hundred matches or something, and get the octopus to 'predict' who'll win. I bet you it'll be closer to 50-50. I mean, come on. There's a two in one chance that the octopus will be right. It would've been more impressive if the eight legged oracle guessed who'd be in the final before the tournament even began. But come on, if you believe that octopus is actually psychic, you need a psychiatrist...
Oh, and the mindless drivel continues. And if you are one of these people who are religious and can't have an opinion of your own, you should skip this part. It might turn ugly...
In all seriousness now, what is the point in full-blown religion? I mean, look at it. There's been wars over it. Millions have died because of what they believe in and all that, but yet everyone is supposed to be treated as equals. Where's the equality in killing someone that believes something that you don't? My cousin might believe in the tooth fairy, I do not. I'm not going to kill her for it, am I? Well, not today.
I don;t know about you, but I've always thought that every religion came from one single faith. I might get my facts wrong here, so you may correct me at any point, but be big headed in the facts and I'll ignore you. Happy days.
I've always thought, that in the days where Romans made roads and people being nailed to two-by-fours was the national sport, the Jews roamed the land. Then after a while some dude named Jesus Christ entered the scene, had an epiphany (or whatever happens to people wearing sandals all day) and created Christianism (yes, I've actually forgotten the name of their religion...). Then some other people turned up on the scene, and respectively created other religions. But, if this is true, why are there so much arguments and so many people looking down their noses at people who don't believe the same as they do, when they all believe in the same God?...
Just had an odd thought in my head. God is supposed to be this 'perfect entity', isn't he? Someone who can do no wrong? So, why do people fear him? Yes, he made humans (I don't believe this, I'm just using what religion believes to argue my side). And when humans make things, we want to be in command (for instance, in command of robots and digital technology). We have even been command of our own race (ie slavery). So if this is wrong, to be in command, to bully other beings to do our bidding... would God do the same, as he 'made' the human race? Another thing. One of the ten commandments is, I believe, about not idolizing statues of God (correct me if I'm wrong). But, as humans were supposed to be made with God's image or something like that, doesn't that mean any statue that is made is in turn both idolizing the image of the subject of the statue and also God him/herself?
Yeah, I read too deep into things sometimes. And please don't go all Achmed on me. This is what I believe in. You're reading this (well, no-one really is, but if you are...), you can close the browser at anytime... but you made it this far... so yeah...
Whoa, I'll stop now. And to lift your spirits a bit, here's Rufus Hound doing some improvisation on Thank God You're Here... enjoy.