Saturday, May 29, 2010

Level Complete.

It's done.


Wedi ei gwblhau.

C'est finir.

And a lot more ways to say it's done...

Yes, you can tell I'm in that creative mood that makes people want to make babies and eat cheese.

And yes, I have no idea what I am doing.

But one thing's for sure, I have finished school. I have reached a milestone in my life. Thirteen years have past, and I'm none the wiser. Though, I may have completed the level, does not entirely mean that I have passed.

It's like looking down a three chamber barrel of a gun. In one chamber there holds a bullet made of esters and other hydrocarbons. In another, there's a bullet filled with ionized Polonium. In the final one, a bullet that sings through the air and crashes into your heart.

The target? Two B's and a C.

My aim? Three B's.

Anything lower than my target will get me into school for another year (unless I think of another way of arsing through the next years) and be the receiver or all three bullets in a manner of mockery. If I hit my target, the bullets will dissolve in a manner only known to physicists and Australians.

Chances of me hitting that target? A million to one. But, hopefully, I'll be like that song, and still come. And by come, I mean achieve the target.

If you're interested, I have six exams in four months, the first one being on the Seventh of this good month. I already sat the Music Tech resit, and it was good. The only bastard questions was when they asked about how Jimi Hendrix and Van Halen influenced Hard Rock, but I improved it. No idea what I wrote, nor do I want to know. But the matter still stands, I fucked that question up. And we all know that one fucked up question and some minor mistakes equal a big possibility that I won't get anything higher than a B. Sob fucking sob.

I'll inform you on Chemistry and Physics after I sat them. Enter smilie face here...

But, as one thing end, another begins...

Right now, I am on the Clic Residential in Cardiff Bay. I'm in the Urdd Center, I think it's called Gwersyll yr Urdd, but I aren't sure, any Welshies, please correct me. =]. But yeah, Second day, probably going bowling soon. Woopa.

So yeah, that's yesterday and today. I only have to go to school for another six days, kinda odd thought, that. Last time I'll probably see people as well...

That thought kind of freaks me out, mind. I mean, the only sanity I had was the insanity I call my friends in school. But now, the only contact I'll probably have is the odd Facebook chat... ah well. At least I met them, right?

Fuck it, I'm off. I think there's going to be another Workshop in a minute, so better finish up.

- Like school, this post is FIN. Don't judge me on the ending...

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