Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kick The Bucket

Before I start, lavate los manos (the spelling is probably wrong, sorry) is possibly my favourite moment from American Dad. You know that gun fight? Brilliant.

Anyway, for some reason I've been hearing a lot about bucket lists. No idea why. I've always seen them as rather morbid. You know, you in your early years telling your future self what to do before you fall into the eternal sleep.

I've always known about them, but it's only in the past three years or so which I've actually seen people write and complete their own ones.

Now, I may hide it really well, but I can be optimistic when I want to. I mean, I carry sunglasses around on a cloudy days, and I sing songs in my room even though my singing is the voice equivalent of a skunk fart to the nose. But I still persist, alone, like a salamander, a statistic-loving salamander. I don't know.

As you can tell, I'm shit.

Anyway, I have a thing about not writing a bucket list. It probably means that I have no imagination or no hope for the future. But, I don't know. It seems a bit, first world-like. Does that make sense?

You know, a list of things that only those who are in a "decent" country can do. And by "decent", I don't mean a country with a bad record when it comes to persecution of chickens, I mean those classed as first world.

But the main thing I have a problem with bucket lists, is that they more often than not just about going somewhere, visiting things or seeing something. Seems kind of pointless to me. You know, just going somewhere, seeing something then coming home with nothing but a memory.

If I did have a bucket list, it wouldn't be filled with one-time things, they'd be filled with things that with surpass my life.

For example, one thing that I'd put in would be to be a good father. Yes, it's a pointless hope considering the genetics I have obtained from my parents, but it'll still be there. The last thing I'd want is  to be a shit dad, a face that my children would erase from the family tree. That said, I've always had a sneaking suspicion that I'd be a terribly male role model. No idea why. Actually, I do, I just don't want to say. Yet.

The only other thing I'd stick on it is to do something - whether it's by my actions or something that I create - that will result in my name living decades (and preferably, centuries) after my death. I know, these are somewhat selfish things to ask for, but I'm sure everyone agrees that one of the worst things to happen to you as a person is to be forgotten. If I do something worthwhile in my time here on Earth, I hope that it's good and big enough to make others want to remember it.

I don't know, I can't really explain it.

But yeah, I won't be upset with myself if I don't travel the world, experiment with food and drink or whatnot before my occupation as corpse. As long as I do something worthwhile, something long lasting, then I'll be a happy corpse. If that's possible.

Also, I should note for future me, this is the first time that I've talked about death without freaking out. What does that tell you, G? Actually, that's a lie, now you're kind of freaking out. You were a dick, to be fair.

Another note, why are the two things mentioned above revolve around my legacy and not to do with things within my lifetime? Who knows...

I'm off. It's late and, for the first time, I actually want to socialise more. Yet, university work hinders that. And the fact that, you know, not a lot of people I know live close enough. What a treat eh, folks?

- I'm tired. Nothing exciting here. FIN.

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