Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Want You Gone

Oh, hello there, squire. How goes it?

Oh, that's nice.

Well, that seems to wrap everything up pretty nicely. See you in the next blog.

I'm kidding. Oh, how I fooled you. I fooled you rather splendidly, didn't I? Well, unless you've looked at the amount of text in this post before actually reading the wall of text, meaning you already knew I was joking... Ah well, worth a try, eh?

Anyway, I somewhat apologise for the lack of content on this here blog. I've either have been busy, or just couldn't think of anything of worth to waste your precious moments that are universally known as time.

This is really an update of my life. And, as I haven't done any updating of my life (other than how my jokes and humour has gone from terribly to close to apocalyptically bad), I shall start...... now.

First off, I now own a PS3. I've probably told you already, but I thought I'd remind you. And no, not for bragging purposes. I just fancied one, so I got one. Then again, I bought it the moment some blasted hacker decided to attack Sony's gaming network. Curse you, unnamed person or group.

Since then, I've been really tempted to write game reviews. Maybe if Wicid or Clic someday get a contact who'll let people in the editorial team to do game reviews on new releases, I might do that. Then again, I've only got two "new" games - LA Noire and Portal 2. Both are very good titles, it must be said. And I feel odd reviewing old games. Ah, I might review them games, as practice. I'll be rubbish at it, mind. Ah well, worth a go, eh?

What else... er... oh, I attended the Eisteddfod this year. In Swansea, so it goes. Fancy reading about it? How about having a gander in my latest Dear World article? Oh, I'm a master of linking things together, aren't I? No? Ah well.

Oh, that reminds me. You know that post I did a while ago, about my Dear World on Insults had been taken down due to there being swearing on it (even if there was a note on the top of the article saying that there was swearing In the article)? Well, it's up. And you know what the best thing about it is? It went straight away up onto Clic. Fuck yeah. I'm rather surprised that the one after that, about Politics, didn't have the same problems due to it being of the political persuasion.

I have also filmed some stuff with Sormer007 for a new project. And yes, I did use his Clic username. Read his stuff. S'good shit, there. But yeah, hopefully there'll be more videos in the future. Yeah...

I honestly can't think of any other subject matters to discuss. If I do, I'll post a new post.

For the moment, dude.

- I used to want you dead but now I only want you FIN.

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