Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tweets From A Twat

Do you ever sit down and wonder why you exist on the internet?

I have. Just now.

Now, before I start, this isn't a call for help. No need to worry or shit like that. Just things are making me think. Like my grammar failing. Nearly said Just thinks our makeing me thing. Today is my fail day, it seems.

I have a multitude of social network accounts, though I only use two regularly: Twitter and Tumblr. I've given my reasons why I hardly use Facebook before, I think.

Anyway, I keep using them, but to what purpose?

Are they my way to vent to the world? To share my life with others who want to know more about me?

Or is it, in all honesty, an egotistical trip down confidence lane.

I don't know, it just made me think. I mean, I just use my accounts on certain websites, there's no motive behind what I do. Well, unless I promote the shit that I do. And no, I don't take photos of my shit and add it to some fecal-loving website.

The only exception to that is my Twitter account, where I actually add my thoughts to the world. But then I think about it, is it worth it?

That question is regarding both the thought I was about to tweet and the use of Twitter itself.

First, the thought of the tweet. Or any form of update, really.

Out of all the tweets/comments/ect that I was about to publish, about 97% of them are sent to limbo with the key combination of cmd + A and backspace. Why did I italicise them? Fuck knows.

A lot of the time, I write something and instantly delete it, before even posting the fucker. Is it because I believe that the update is not of worth? Is it because I think that it would make me look stupid or something? I don't know, my improbable reader. Maybe it's a combination of everything. Maybe it's an option from a selection that's not visible to the human eye. What the fuck am I saying.

But it does pose the question "what the fuck are you doing with your life?" when you have an app on your computer that feeds Twitter and Facebook onto your desktop all the time you're online. I mean, I have TweetDeck up all the time, mostly. That means that I'll possibly get tweets and status updates the moment they are set live. That's a bit... I don't know... odd.

It's, fuck. I really have no idea what I'm writing. I'm just doing the same sodding thing I always to in this situation - write inane bullshit and having trouble keeping my mind on things. Fuck.

Anyway, I'm not that egotistical in thinking that any update I do on the web is worth it. I don't upload a song onto my SoundCloud and instantly think this is going to get me so much pussy or anything like that. More often than not, I just update it to get opinions. I have no intention for things I do to "be good".

But do social networks just feed on our primal instincts? You know, the need to feel connected with others, the need to feel stable within this planet's ecosystem that is socialism.

Or, in my re-visiting into the world of shittery, am I just over thinking things to the maximum? That is probably the thing. Yeah, most definitely the thing.

But that doesn't really answer my first question. The first question where I pondered if my existence on the web was worth it. Well, in many ways, it answers itself. There's no inherit worth of having Facebook other than being part of the times, being like everyone else. You know, using Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with everyone else.

But then I think, isn't it just destroying the said primal needs for us to stay connected? By pouring your life in a bucket of media?

Then I think, is this was some people thought when the telephone came around? Or even the written word?

Fuck, I need to get out more.

In other news, I hate this gap between Wednesday and Monday. I just need to do something to kill time between then.

Fuck, I hope that I fill out my time until September. With anything. Ah well, there goes my smile.

- He's. A. FIN. -Ily. GUY. Also, feel free to ask me shit on my Tumblr.

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