Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Red Flag

If you're thinking Yey, he's got a title for his blog from a Billy Talent song... Yeah, I didn't. I just glanced at my door, where I have, hanging with pride and honesty, my Welsh flag. But I couldn't call it Red, White and Green Flag 'cause that would be a stupid title (Ahem...). And if I called it Welsh Flag you might assume that this would be a an overly-patriotic post on how Wales is being crippled by the British 'empire' and how we should rise up and be thankful of our Welsh language.

Yeah, I think I've lost some of you already.

I shall continue, if I still have you, that is. Heh, reminds me of my first date, that...

Anywho, I've actually started this post because I read a blog which overused the word 'ass'. Yes, it's a rant post.

Maybe it's because I live in Wales (or the United Kingdom... yeah, it's not really that united, isn't it?...), but I take the word 'ass', and instantly think 'donkey'.

Why? Because it does mean donkey.

If you want to say your bum, your buttocks, it's ARSE. See? ARSE. Bugger the fact that the spelling thing that I have on my internet browser says that it's spelled wrong. It's not. Why? Because. Yeah, you just got told. Booya.

Another thing that got me thinking was a Family Guy episode yesterday. Y'know, the one where Brian's ex was marrying a guy? Well, he says in it "I could care less". That hit me there, right there (if you can't see me through this blog, I'm pointing at my left leg). I shall refer to David Mitchell for my reasonings...

Maybe I shouldn't use a comedian person thing to argue my point. But I have. So yeah. Hi there.

I have ranted a bit here. I shall rant some more. This time, on cocks.

Yes, I live in a house. A terraced house. The problem? The neighbours on both sides are cocks (and you thought I was going to talk about cockfighting...).

Allow me to elaborate...

To the left of my house (if you were outside my front door, facing the house), there is a family. They aren't bad, apart from the father. He seems like the type of person who if you don't do what he wants, he'll do it anyway. Do it without even thinking. This happened recently. He asked my father to chop down the trees behind the house. My father said okay, in a minute. But, a few moments later, I hear my mother cry (as in shout out loud, not sobsobsob). She saw the man next door starting to hack the trees randomly. Not good. But, unlike the other neighbour, he apologised and helped out to fix it.

The right neighbour (well, the bitch neighbour from hell) is just interested in short-term gain. Why do I think that? Well, considering that she had her loft converted illegally and the fact she took down a fence thing that held up a fire escape and now that if a fire was to start in my house then nobody could go through that way. Shit, that was a long sentence. But yeah. If there was a fire downstairs right now, we would not be able to use one way out since the floor thing that's there would break and we'll break a leg or our sense of well-being. And today, she cut the hedge that is inbetween us, but she's cut the hedge on our side also. And adding the whole 'her daughter smokes and chucks all the butts on our roof' thing, then yeah...

To be honest, I have no idea why I wrote all that. So, to compensate, here's a picture of Pikachu...

So, with that bombshell...


- Father FIN.

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