Sunday, November 15, 2009

So Much To Do In One Lifetime.

Unfortunately, I cannot spell the first word of this sentence properly. Wey.

Another unfortunate thing is, I've kinda fucked up with Music Technology... joy.

On the recording task, I accidenty deleted the wrong track, the original. Cleaver one, Ga. Anyroad, since there's a lesson tomorrow, I might ask if Stevens (the teacher) could stick the file that I took off the Fostex back on, so the original'll be back on there. But then, I'll have to record the lead and rhythm guitar again... but thinking about it... I don't really... meh, ignore me... =).

AnyC#Chord, I feel like I'm starting to improve with Chemistry and one half of Physics. I'm actually getting mathmatical questions right in them lessons. Wey.

Er, nothing else really point-full to say. Apart from I feel like my mind's trying to self-destruct on me half the time. Don't know why though, it's a mystery.

I'm going to be honest and say, I have no idea what to write for the moment. If I do later tonight, I shall update this post. Yey. But if I don't, it's not you, it's me...

And, I'm back.

Just to say, I FUCKING WANT FINAL FANTASY THIRTEEN. It's looks amazing, and if the gameplay's any better than XII then I cannot wait 'til next year. AHHHH!

Watch this, if it loads (since it's rather big, you might have to pause it and leave it for a minute or two for it to play smoothly). Ignore the cheesiness at times, just look at those amazing graphics and think to yourself jesus......

I mean, Square-Enix are game-creating giants, man. Though, is it just me or the majority of the girls looks the same?...

And, I'm off again.

- Finigar.

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