Thursday, July 30, 2009

Air On A G String...

Yeah, I really should stop posting with shaite titles.



I begin with a merry chuckle. Haha. There it was. That was to David Cameroon's swearing on national radio (well, I guess it was national radio...). I found it funny. Haha. There I go again. I mean, okay, someone who's in a real profesional job (or, as I think of it as, a media-driven job) and in a position he is in shouldn't throw a tawt here and piss there (well, to be fair I don't... well, not literally anyways). But come on. People who'll be like 'he should be punished' or something like that... it's two fucking words man. I'm guessing that if your reading my blog (and at most, that's three, four people...), you didn't find it offencive in the slightest. But then again, why should we? Maybe it's just the young-uns that found it as a normal conversation (but, with less swearing... or less talk about blowjobs... depends on what you talk about usually). I'll stop on TwatGate now.

So, that's my opinion. Wey.

Next, I've recently gotten into 'A Bit Of Fry And Laurie' again. It's well good. Look...

(oh yeah, I learned from the last YouTube video I posted here)...

Anyroad, that what I was about to say on Fry and Laurie was cut short by the mere story on the news.

Y'know the one, well, to put it in one word.... Zimbabwe. Yes, the joys of a government (supposedly) destroying a country for... well... I have no idea what for. How does it a positive thing for Mwgabue (how the hell do you spell his name?), to destroy his country, killing it's inhabitants just to stay in power? Wasn't Zimbabwe's land good for farming? And all the land holds is blood. Blood of innocent people killed by a regeim destined to self-destruct. Yeah, I know. I have less knowledge of the circumstances in Zimbabwe than I do in playing the claronet. But, y'know, 'everyone has an opinion'...

Also, someone stop David Dickinson from being on tellie. Please? I just can't be arsed for his drivel anymore... grrrrrrrrrrr. Sorry, since school ended I've watched some of his 'Real Deal' shows on daytime tellie (not on porpose), he keeps using that phrase.... grrrrrrr.

Anyroad, to the post title, recently I keep improvising on the G string of both Guitar and Bass. All in the same scale. Not sure what it is mind. But ah well. Nothing else to say about guitar/bass really. Apart from the fact that I'm failing at Hysteria on bass by Muse. I can do three quarters of the verse. And that's it. No more. Ah well. That's me.

I might go now. Spend three hours trying to sleep.


- Fin.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My End, It Justifies My Means. All I Ever Do I Delay...

Fuck the whole 'no posts for a while' thing.

I will warn you, I've nearly finished writing another song (well, it's more randomly pressing numbers into Guitar Pro and hoping they'll sound alright together), and there's a chance that I'll upload them onto the net. Yes, not only do I penertrate your monitors with my lifeless blog posts and skill-less photo and video edits, I must destroy every sense possibly and upload music I've 'created' for your eardrums to pound an enormous headache for you. Just be glad I'm not going to cook you dinner. If I did, it'll be a microwavable pizza.

Matthew Evans, a dude I hang around with in school (by the way, hi Matt. (=. ), requested that I should minimize the amount of Guitar Hero I should mention. And I agree. This'll be the last time I'll say anything Guitar Hero-ie in a while (well, until the fifth one's in my possession). Just to answer the thing I said in the last post. Finally got Guitar Hero III, and I managed to do Raining Blood on Expert. Four stars too....

Yeah, it's true. I haven't left my house since school ended. The furthest I've been out of my house is down by the steps to hand my sister the baby seat so then Ricky (if I haven't said before, he'd be my two year old nephew). It's basically the same order in the day for me. Wake up roughly sevenish, or eleven at the latest. Watch tellie until the news comes on. Go on a Guitar Hero. Get off the XBox. Sit around, watching tellie. Pick up the bass/guitar. Turn my laptop on to make layout/finish song/search something online (can only do one of those three right). Stay online until one. Try to sleep (which might be at two, as a guess). And during then I have something to eat either once or twice in the day. Oh, it's also sad that I actually kind of know whats happening on Emmerdale, Corronation Street and Eastenders. So, er.... someone help me? =).

Yeah, I'll post the link to the profile where I've post the midi files. Most probably it'll be on my Ultimate Guitar profile (if you can guess my username, then your almost as sad as me for having it). It might be tomorrow actually.

Oh, three pieces of trivia for you...

- This is my (I think) twenty fifth post. Yey.
- Most of my songs are in a Be Bop scale. Not sure the definition is of it is, but the C Be Bop scale consists of the following notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, A#, B, C. So, if anyone's got a definition of what a Be Bop scale is, then please let me know. =).
- Apparently, sperm speed is affected by the attractiveness of a woman... don't ask me how I know... I haven't done any sick experiments, okay?

Most probably I'll see you tomorrow (well, talk to you... well add text to my blog and hope that a few people actually read it).

- Fin.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Reasons - Why My Ex-Wife Left Me... Part One.

I just realised whatever font I put on as I write, it'll only get overwritten by the preset (which I believe is Tahoma?).

Oh, I'm going to be an arse to your pixel-absorbing eyes. I've thought of a series of blog postings that will end when I actually have a social life. If you haven't guessed yet, they'll be called 'Reasons'.

As you can guess, this first post will be all about the acheivements I, er.... well... achieved... in the past couple of days...

Point One - (se)X Box 360.

Yeah, it's the first point. Why, I hear your online-telepathy skills cry? Well, the first thing is that I meantioned 'achievements' in a sentence or two ago. Secondly, I've been on it much more than I have during school terms. Thridly, I've kinda gone overboard with Guitar Hero. Next point.

Point Two - Guitar Zero.

Yeah, I'm as imaginative with point names as I am with begining of sentences for the points. Anyways, today I completed Guitar Hero: Smash Hits on guitar. Yes, to add to the sadness, it was on expert. In addition, and the (sadly) high point of my day, I completed Raining Blood (by Slayer) AND Through The Fire And Flames (DragonForce-ery) on Expert. Fuck aye and a packet o' crisps. That might mean I have a good chance of doing those songs on Guitar Hero III, once I have a playable disk. But I'll be honest, the versions of Raining Blood and ...Fire And Flames are easier on GH:Smash Hits than on it's older brother. So, is that a hollow victory for me? Knowing not only that I completed them both (four and three stars to their respected songs) on Expert, but the fact that all my friends and everyone reading this will think I'm a sad child with no life?

Now, I believe you're getting why my blog post name is what it is...

Point Three - Breaking News.

If your wondering why it's called that. Let me tell you a little story. You know all about my work experience with ProMo Cymru, right? And that weekend up in Llangollen or some place like that (I'm not being funny when I say that, I just keep forgetting if it's Llangollen, Llandudno or some other place that starts with Llan)? Well, on the final night, we had a task. Y'know the one, when you have to make a parachute thing to help make an egg fall from a great height without it breaking.

All we had ('cause we were in groups, I had a good group, to be fair) was an egg (obvliously), some straws, sticky tape, newspaper, two balloons and the bag that held them all in. I had the odd thaught of sticking the egg into one of the balloons. Someone else thought about sticking the egg-balloon into another balloon. Then someone else thought about the whole interior design of the bag (it was lovely, we had a feature wall and everything). Then, before the drops, we had to think of a name. and bare in mind, during the last workshop all I did was doodle on a peice of paper and think of a shaite opening line for the 'seeking work' section for the Clic website (if you must know, it was 'The journey to your dream job begins with a failed application form'... yeah, it's shaite, I know). They boys who I was in the eggscapade (get it? Escapade? Is that even a proper word?) was thinking of some names, can't remember any really. Maybe 'Da Bomb' was one of them. I just looked at the contraption that we made, and had one thought...

'That's the reason my ex-wife left me'.

They laughed. At me, I guess. Don't blame them.

But, they went with it. And needless to say, the beast was stunned (er... got all Tenacious D on you then...) when we realised our egg was free to become my breakfast on a plate and not on the pavement (I joke, I joke. There weren't any pavements where we were really).

Point Four - On The Road Again...

The last thing to add to this 'Reasons...' post. Recently all I can think of when I try to think of an original riff on the guitar (or bass, don't forget that beast) could be classed as 'middle-of-the-road'. Y'know the type, the type of music Take That or Westlife would write...

Actually, I'll take the Westlife thing back, they don't write anything, all they do is sit on seats, singing. But, you have to give it to them, once the key change comes into play, they do make an impressive move from the seats. But forget Westlife... I wish I could...

But anyways, I just can't seem to get rid of this thing. And no, I don't mean Westlife. Actually, I do, kind of. 'Cause I want to write (good) rock songs, be that grunge, punk, bluesy, or (if it's possible) funk/soul rock. I'm not bothered writing solos, just good riffs that people might (at the least) think is 'not bad, for a beginner'. The only problem is, two or three of the riffs I have made up have this hippie-punk fusion to it, if you know what I mean. I can't write slow songs, and when I do they have a bad dose of Take That-ititus. Any blues riff I think of just sound like a pile of shaite. Er, I think I'm struggling. I may create a new MySpace to show people my 'creations', just because I want to have some feedback on what people like/dislike of my midi babies, and/or for people to hear what I've done, and write lyrics for them (I'd be so luck). I won't make a proper profile though. I'll wait until I actually start a band that'll make some music. Which will hopefully be before I leave secondary education for good. =).

Well, that shall be it for the time being. If you have been offended by anything in this post, then be offended. =). Trust me, there's worse things to bitch about than a simpleton blogging his way to certain critisism for more than his spelling mistakes.

- Fin. =).

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Happens When You Pour Detol Into A Yakult?...

I lied... I only lasted four days (ish) without possessing the pixels of your monitor last.

Well, it's a couple of days in to the school holidays now, and to be fair I've acutally done something. I know, I'm shocked too. Well, even though it's just a song I made up... it's actually three and a half minutes long... it's the most productive I've been in a summer holidays ever. That's well radical. Maybe. Anyways, it's also carries another achievement for me, it's the first one that's fully an acoustic song... apart from the distorted guitar doing the solo. And that's another thing, it's the first solo that I might be able to actually play it! And if you've heard my rendition of Dido's 'No Angel' recreated to 80's Rock for my Music Tech coursework, you'll know how out-of-place it is, well, the tapping part is anyways. Anyways, there's a downfall to it, it also holds a real pop feel. Y'know, something Take That might bring out, without the solo, obvliously. Please correct me if I've spelled obvliously wrong either time I wrote it.

Also, I've nearly changed my mind on what song I'll do for my A level coursework in Music Tech from Stone Sour's 'Through Glass' to 'Today' by Smashing Pumpkins - and I just had the random thaught of the words 'Smashing Pumpkins' look really cool in this font. The vocals aren't too adventurous, drums seem do-able, the guitars are relatively simple (though I can't do the solo, man I is shit on guitar), and the bass is easy (er, Billie Jean's bassline is harder than this song, now that's saying something). A couple of problems, mind...

The first one is, I've only got one out of the four acoustic instrument out of the original song, which is an acoustic guitar for the verses, and well althrough the song. If I do 'Today', then I have an idea to jump over this three-storey hurdle. That is, the use of a piano, a violin..... and a harp. Yes, a harp. How stupid would any harpist look at you with if you ask them to do the main riff of 'Today' for eight bars. They'd laugh in your face (which, I'm expecting). Maybe same for piano, well and for violin. 'Cause with the violin, I'm only going to use it for the second verse. But, then again, they will all count as acoustic instruments. Another problem though... does anyone know how to record a harp? I mean, do you place the mic close to the strings, the soundboard (is it even called that?) or somewhere else? How many mics am I supposed to use to record the harp? Yeah, you can tell I thaught this through... but anyways. Anybody who could help me with this (either you can play the violin, or know how to record a harp), then feel free to tell me. =). T'would be great, butt.

Er. Nothing else really. I've gone a little bit further into Prototype. Its safe to say that I am rubbish at that game, the only thing I'm good at is running up walls and consuming people.... man, that's fun. Oh yeah, I've also been overdosing on That Mitchell And Webb Look. I've only known about it like, a week ago. Thank fuck for YouTube.

Well, this is finito for another round.

G'night, dude.

PS - Dara O'Briain is brilliant at stand-up. Period. =).

Friday, July 17, 2009

In Science And In Medicine. I Was A Stranger, You Took Me In...


Final Stage - Another One Bites The Dust.

Yeah, so it's officially arived. Now all's I have to do is wait until the twentieth of August to receive my two science A Level results from school, which'll be open at like, eight, nine-ish. Not forgetting the Music Tech one, which I'll have access to at six in the morning of the same day (digital, that's edexcel for ya). Then after that it'll be a shorter wait for the first friday of September (which I think might be my sister's birthday...), so we can return to school. I'm not even going to go into the whole 'why on a friday' thing... grrrr.

Today weren't bad. Only had one lesson, which was twenty minutes of Physics. Then since nobody went to Music Tech, that was free (like it wasn't since the exams). Managed to do a bit for my personal statement. And won a game of Shithead. Brilliant.

The end-of-year service was shocking, mind. First off, no Welsh anthem at the end? Please. That's like, unnatural. Well, thank fuck there wasn't much singing, compared to the Christmas service. Secondly, no news on who one the 'best house of the year'? That's outragous! Hehe. Well, we all know Dafydd would've ended up as low as Paris Hilton's lingerie... while Owain or Iolo would've been as high as Obama's approval ratings. Or is that the other way around?... We'll never know...

Came home early from school, which is a bummer. Well, for me anyways. But, on the plus side, I got myself an awesome game. PROTOTYPE, BABY!! =). Man, the main character must be the most fun main character to play as in a game... it's like he can't die from jumping off a skyscraper, yet five bullets from an M4 and half a rocket could end you. Man, that's manic. I advice you to get it. Pronto. It does remind me of something like Devil May Cry-meets-Spiderman. Now, that's a good mix.

And that's it for the five a week postings.... for now.

Might miss out for a while. Or wait until one of the blogs I'm following post a new post...

For the time being, and as a member of Six-one for the last time.


- Fin.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

And No-One Else Will See, The Preservation Of The Martyr In Me...

One day to go...

Stage four - The Final Countdown.

Well, I would've called it 'a mushroom party', but nah, that's shaite...

So, why 'the final countdown', I hear you ask? Well, even if you didn't ask, I'll tell you anyways.

For one, it was playing while we were playing random card games in the Uned. Even played poker with actual betting... well, with Skittles, that the deputy headmaster ate one of... and it was a high priced skittle... damn him. Ah well, managed to get two three-of-a-kind's in a row... then a four of a kind... pity we weren't betting then... I'd be in the rainbow then, (=.

Reason two, there's only like, five hours roughly left of my year twelve being... Though this never bothered me before (like, year seven, eight, nine and so on and so forth), it does now since there's like fourty weeks left of my school education. Fourty-odd anyways. Not sure exactly how many. Haven't counted to be honest with you. Yet.

Ah well, I'm going to fail once I get to Uni.... IF I get to uni....

Oh yeah, les joures de amusant was today (yeah, before you meantion it, I know it's wrong, and I know it says 'a day of amusement' instead of 'fun day', that's why I never will take French again). It weren't bad, really. Was funny watching people get hit by sponges. Especially when it hit them in their neather-reigions... and their bollocks. I was only the sponge collector. Ah well, I wasn't even supposed to do anything, but since the bands sorted themselves out, I was free. Woop. But still, t'was marginally better than I thought it would be.

Ah yeah, News is on. John Hartson's got testicular cancer that's spread to the brain. Hope you get better dude....

That's it for today. Tomorrow will be the last one of these five day blogs (thank fuck, I bet you just said to yourself). Might be called something like 'Final Frontier' or something less interesting like 'Oh look, A Bumblebee...'.

- Fin.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Surrender. Surrender. But Don't Give Yourself Away...

Two days to go.

Stage three - Personal (Under)Statement.

And yet I haven't been banned from Blogger for posting useless posts... nice.

Nothing much happened today. It was just another day of nothingness until I had a lesson. Yeah, that's happiness for you.

I tried to make a personal statement for my UCAS thing... I'm going to be so bad at it. Why? Well for one the only thing that links to the course that I want to do is the fact that I can play bass guitar up to GreenDay standard. Whoa, that's going to reel the offers in. I might just give up on it and write it as if I was C3PO or something. 'Cause we're both alike... apart from the fact that he can speak many a language fluently and I can only manage English at key stage two standard. Yeah, that is what hardly going out does to you. =). But one thing's for sure, I really hope that the Atrium like me enough to lower my points needed from 300 to 60. And even then I'll need to work hard...

It was the same old song and dance today, apart from the fact some people went off to watch 'Harry Potter and the sixth year in a row that someone'll make a joke about a ginger having two friends'. Yes, that's the actual title of it. Well, no it's not. But it's the truth. Though I don't get this hairist view against gingers... there's worse people.... I mean, c'mon... people who dye their hair? Please.... *shifty eyes*.

That, was hysterical. If your comedy levels are between 'watching George Bush choking on a pretzel is humourous' and 'everything Boris Johnson says is like poetry in motion written by the Joker himself'.

Oh yeah, made myself look like a right digital cock this afternoon... not good...

Ah well, this is a short one, bit much like an average sixformer's attention span.... oh look, a bumble bee...

Anyways, a guess at tommorow's title might be something on the lines of 'Prototype Present'. Hopefully. I want that game. Looks dead cool, man.

C'ya, m'ladies.... or whatever your name is...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The World Is A Vampire...

Three days to go...

Stage two - Mad Dog.

Yeah, I wasn't lying when I said I'll post everyday this week... =).

What did I do today? Fuck all, to be fair. The only lesson I had was double Music Technology, which was more eventful than finding Jesus on the fifty pence piece. Apart from someone (...) giving me jip just 'cause I play my bass/guitar rather low compared to everyone else. Really, will it kill him? No. So, why complain? Ah well, shaite like that happens.

Other than that, everything was a normal day at the office. Apart from fourth lesson the one's from art found a toy called Mad Dog (ah, I just remembered Mad Dog's on GTA:San Andreas...). It amused them for like, quarter of an hour? Bloody hell. Then it was a Nintendo DSi (the one with the camera, is that called the DSi?...) that occupied their attention. Then the rest is the same as always. Went out for food, sat around listening to other people's conversations while talking rarely, thinking way too much, and sitting down in a way that made me look like I was about to give birth to an elephant. Last lesson was alright on the whole, was back up in Music, it was. Just fucked around on the guitars and piano/keyboard with no amps. I know, I'm surprised too. Well, I like acoustic sounds. I hardly ever use the amp in my room (it's a really small bass amp... happy days). To me, an electric guitar played acousticaly has a cool sound to it....

One thing that's bothering me is... grrr. On the bus home, for most of it, all I could think of is the thing that happened three months ago. I have no idea why though. Am I jealous? Am I paranoid? Am I in need of a brain transplant? The answer to the last one is a definate yes. Not so sure of the other two though. I hope I'm not. Though, as ever with me, there's a good possibility that I have those bad characteristics cemented forever in my name. Bloody hell. Wish I could actually talk about it and not feel like I usually do... grrrrr.

Once again, the rain is falling, falling, oh ever falling from the patchy quilt we call the sky like... er, well, rain falling from the sky... yeah, that's the sort of skills that got me a C in English Literature. Fuck aye.

Well. I have a feeling tomorrow's post will be called Sold Out, or some insanely boring title like that.

Oh, before I go.... watch this. He's an amazing bassist. Not a bad singer either. =).

- Fin.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stay Cool. And Be Somebody's Fool This Year...

Four days to go.

Stage one - Sports Day, or 'the most excorsise most teenagers will have in months' day...

Well, it weren't bad, considering it was my last ever one. And what a way to sign out of it. Though I was on my feet since I got there, because I had to help out with the discus. That was like three hours. And yeah, I kinda made a mistake ranking a year on who was first and that... so yet again got attacked about it from the usual suspects (isn't that a band or something?), or should I say 'suspect'... Yeah, she's evil. And it pissed down too. All the other things (track and field) went to shelter, but not the discus-ians. Stood out there, four of us under a brolly ('twas me, Sarah, Rhi and Angharad, Kayleigh was bringing the discus back from whoever thrown it at the time...). To say the least, they had rather odd conversations... mainly about male teachers and cheesecakes (if I remember rightly... I wasn't consentrating much on the chatter...). Then, ASDA held host to us, as the ladies baught their dinner, until we returned to watch the relay races... and beleive me... if you sit next to Kayleigh and Sarah... bring earplugs... As they screamed 'GO DAFYDD' and that - oh yeah, I'm in Dafydd if you didn't know - I thaught I'd join in with my own bellows... such as 'Phones4U', 'If you fail, your out of the family', and as the race started, 'LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT' ect.

Then, as the bellows from, well nearly everyone I was surrounded by, carried on, the head of our llys (the house for the non-Welshies) called for me and the screamers to the front of house (well, the front of the stand), for the simple fact is that they are the captains of Dafydd for something, and I was there out of luck. So yeah, every llys was standing in a row, the Dafyddians stood with Owain to our left and Hywel on the right. Someone from Hywel said 'yeah, Dafydd's won' or something on those lines. Our fellow neighbourhood chemistry teacher, otherwise known as ET (or Mr Thomas) broadcasted the final scores of the Sports Day, in alphabetical order. Great.

'Dafydd - pump cant nawdeg saith' (or 597).

So for every other llys, just as I've done for every other Sports Day and Eisteddfod I've attended, I raised my index finger, waiting to add another finger to it for Dafydd's final standings. It reached Iolo, and my index finger was, like me in my room, on it's own. Only two more llysoedd (houses) and we've won for the first time in twenty years. Whoa. Llywelyn's score was well under par to the others. Then ET decided to add more tension to the final Owain score... I'll say it in english now... saves on the translating...

'There's only one point seperating Dafydd and Owain for first place'.

Not something you want to hear when there's two really excited teenage girls standing next to you... I looked to my left slightly. I thaught, again Owain's won something. Yet, ET's drawn-out result was a shock, even if it wasn't for some people.

'Owain - Five hundred and ninety...... (waits ten seconds).... six'.

Yeah, Dafydd's won the Sports Day in 2009. The first time since 1989 (well, that's what I've been told anyways. Correct me if I am wrong. =D). RBJ looked gutted (by the way, if your reading this... hi dude! =D), but there's somethings you can't change. And then there's luck on Dafydd's part. While I've already seen certain Dafydd celebrations (well, it's just an update saying DAAAAFFYYYYYYYYYYYDD!!), I, on the other hand, will accept that we won, and be thankful Llywelyn, Hywel nor Iolo won. FUCK AYE. Er, anyroad. I bet you that Owain'll win the whole thing though, with Dafydd coming either second or third...

And I jsut realised this is ALL on SCHOOL. Bugger me...

Right, something unschoolie...

Ah! I know!

I completed Guitar Hero: Aerosmith today. Woop. The whole 31 tracks of it on Expert. There was only one song that I got four stars... the rest I managed five, with like, three or four FC's (if you ain't a GH person, FC is when you complete a song with no mistakes, no overstrumming and all that). And I only failed one song... yet the next time I played that song I managed to 5* it... odd. Ah well, that's my sadness possessing your monitor for roughly a thousand or so pixels... =). One thing I'll say about the new Guitar Hero games... it doesn't take a lot to tilt the plastic guitar to activate StarPower, unless your using the X-Plorer controller (oh yeah, I'm on the SexBox360). The X-Plorer looks the best by far, mind. Have always liked the alternative look, not the Les Paul, nor the SG, nor the Strat look.

Well, like the thaughts in my brain, the rain is plentiful, and even this is making me think. I mean, I stood in the bay window, thinking 'why can't I be like that?'. I wasn't sure what I meant at first, but the more I thaught about it the more I made up some pathetic reasoning for my thaught. Like, rain washes everything away, well it was like a river on the street, and was washing away stones at least. Why can't us humans do that? Why can't we just, wash away all the bad things and keep the good things? Would life be better if we could do it?... Ah yeah, I dunno...

Well. Tomorrow might be called 'Laptop Fatale' or some shaite thing. I guess this is post one of five of last week of school.

Good luck reading them.

- Fin.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tell Me I'm The Only One. Tell Me There's No Other One...

Five days until the death of this school year... Such joys...

Yeah, started a post like that before... ah well. I have a thing for deja-vu things.

Well, I kinda know what university I want to go to now. The Atrium to study either Music Technology or Sound Technology. Or if possible both. 'Cause I want to do both live and studio work with music. So yeah, really doubt I'll get 300 points for it though. That's three B's, or an A, a B and a C (I think?). No way that's gonna happen. The only real chance I have of a B is in Chemistry, and that's if I really study for it. Physics, can't see myself have anything higher than a D, and with Music Tech, I have no idea. I'll be lucky to get a D in that also. So that's roughly 220 points, so where am I gonna find those other eighty points, eh? Lets hope they'd interview me and give me an offer of something like 180 points... yeah, I wish. I have no idea where else I would go if I didn't get into the Atrium, that is in Wales. I really can't be arsed to move out of Wales. Ah well, typical, eh? Can't be arsed to move out of Wales, ca'nt be arsed to go out and meet new people, can't be arsed to talk to some people... ah fuck it.

The cricket season's up and running (well, I think it has been for ages like). The first Ashes test match in Wales ever is just about wrapped up. I guess the Aussies won it in style. Makes me think about getting back into the whole cricket thing, but then again I was useless. And I got jipped for my bowling style. I mean, just because I might look like a morris dancer while I bowl doesn't make me shaite. The fact that I nearly always bowled wides makes me shaite. Get it right, dude. But anyways, expect the Aussies to win the Ashes, at least by two tests.

Well, about the last step to take before the final path of knowledge is about to be taken, or as you might call it 'the final week of year twelve'. Tomorrow, it's Sports Day. Oh lord, such a happy day. I am gonna go, just for the mere fact that I might actually not be the only one there form my year. And well, it's the final one I've ever have to go to (forcefully). Maybe I'll be forced to help someone write the times of runners, or measure how far the javelin was thrown or something or nothing. Tuesday, I guess nothing really is happening, same as Wednesday. Then Thursday, oh my, it's officially been called 'Dydd Hwyl'. Yes, 'Fun Day'. I bet it's going to end up a failure, though since I'll be in the Drama Studio, helping out with the technical side for the bands (see? work experience, butt). There's also going to be a talent contest... which will end up with a singer winning it as with nearly EVERY talent show (and yes, I am counting The X Factor). Grr. There should be a guitarist competing... which hopefully will win. Unless...... er, anyways... Then on Friday, it's just going to be a long service, I guess it's my final one also? Man, it's going to be a boring one, but I'll probably miss them in an odd way.

Er. I have also been crowned 'Most pathetic person' a second time running... I've got Guitar Hero:Aerosmith. Well, it was only like, ten quid. And yeah, it's not as bad as I thought it'll be. Yeah, it's only like fourty songs long, but it's not bad. Walk This Way's really good on Expert. That song's just cool anyways. And to add to that, I have Guitar Hero Smash Hits too. It's gonna take a good price for me to get GH:Metallica though. And then I'd be getting it for the songs that aren't Metalica's. Yeah. Might get GH:Van Halen when it's released also, that's gonna be good. Well good.

And the news just said England managed to get a draw? WHAT? Now, that surprised me. Ah well. so far it's nil-nil in the Ashes series... wonder who'll be the first side to burn the other at the crease....

Yeah, it's finnished. I'm going to avoid Facebook now.

Goodbye, dudes.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Please Do Not Swear...

I'm a bit gutted...

Not only that this is my second post in a day...

But I had an awesome idea for a story, I just cannot exacute it.

The idea was, this girl (who I called Sandra for some reason) was a fanatic of Big Brother, and lived her life as if she was either in there, or being either Davina or the Jordie bloke who commentates. Then she gets married and all hilarity was supposed to be unleashed for your ammusement. But as many things in my life, it failed. Badly.

Ah well, I'll try to do some sort of short story soon. Hopefully. Not like you'll read it. It'll be crap like Dai Gi Bach...

Also, I would like to appologise for the recent wave of rather depressing posts. Don't know what's come over me. Hopefully that will be over soon.

This is a short one. Like me. =).


Blank Page.

Well, at least you wish it was...

I've already posted more posts than last year. I think this'll be my tenth this year. So I'm guessing there's going to be at least thirty by the time September arrives. Lucky, lucky you...

Well, there's nothing really to this post. This is just basically talking to myself via the internet. That said, I haven't had a full blown conversation on any instant messenger service or social networking sites for about three, four months now. Most probably longer. Fuck it. And talking about fucking it...

There's an advert on now for, saying that there is too many 'hot new women', and they need more men to balance the levels out. To be fair, how many 'hot new women/men' do you expect from a bloody internet dating agency? If they were hot, fit, whatever you moderners call it these days, wouldn't they either have a partner, or actually go outside to find someone? I've never been on any type of dating site (I'd get the moderators banning me for being a prick most probably), but wouldn't they be filled with sad, pathetic loners that are too lazy to meet new people? I don't know, I just don't understand those type of sites... Actually this links good with my next thing I just thought of...

Facebook. Recently I have greatly started to hate it. This is for many reasons. Actually this is not just Facebook, it's to all social networking sites... and MSN....

Well, the main reason is that, well it's pretty awkward for me to describe it really... I'll just have to put it hazily, if that's a word... In school, or if I actually went out to places, I'm more than happy to see some people, even if I don't look happy. I could look like half of my face is frozen, no emotion, yet inside I could think 'Woo'. Yes, I would be THAT ecstatic. But yet, the moment I see that they are on some site, I just feel all wrong. Not because I'd rather bury my face in sulfuric acid than talk to them online, it's because I know that (most probably), they feel that way towards me. Either because I annoy them too much for multiple reasons (my crap guitar/bass/drum playing, or I go on about GH too much, or the fact that I just come up with things they don't like), or they just can't stand me. Don't ask me why I think like this, well, at least not on here. Maybe it's something to do with what happened like a year ago. But then I think, why should it? Ah well. Life's a bitch, I guess...

Another thing I'm not fussed about these sites is, those pathetic pictures where someone tags people on who they think people are in a group of friends. It's just annoying. I've somehow managed to be tagged in these things... not sure if I should be happy or nappy (y'know, not happy...). In one, I'm 'the crazy fuck', in another, 'the downer', and then 'the one that's up to no good' (off memory, like). As you can see, there wasn't the one they really wanted to put me as, either 'the emo in denial' (which, I am not either emo or in denial), 'the one who asks randomly pointless questions', or 'most likely to die a virgin'. Ah, such happiness. I'm also waiting for a political one. With people from parliment on there, and I bet someone'll tag me as Gordon Brown or someone from the BNP....

Also, the bloody status updates. Why? The only time I've updated my status is to tell people of my blog, yet not sure if anyone actually has read it. I'm only sure that one person has read two of my posts (because he's commented on them, thanks RBJ. =)... ). But when someone posts an update just because they've enjoyed their dinner in Nando's or wherever these moderners eat their food, does it really matter? I'm just waiting for one of my friends to post an update saying 'just inhaled from a bong. t'wasn't weed, was actually a peanut butter sarnie, it was nuts, lol'. Grr. And another thing....

Fucking 'lol'. And 'rofl'. They fucking lie all the time. No, you aren't 'rofl'ing if you are typing at that moment. And the fact people actually say these things in real life? It's just to show how socialising has changed. I'm glad texts or any shite modern things weren't in Shakespearian times. Y'know, 'Hey bbz, gonna fake mi deth 2nite lol, 1 way 2 get away from rents, dunt worry ill b up 4 BB l8r rofl'. Guess what play that would've been and you will get free oxigen for a month. Or, what if Lady Macbeth had Twitter... 'Cant get blood off hands, going to use PalmOlive...'. Yes, I have probably gone slightly overboard. But the fact is this, why must we abbreviate every single thing? Lol, rofl, omfg, soad, it's going overboard. And yes, this does make me a hypocrite. I've done it myself, when I use GH instead of Guitar Hero. But I prefer a sentance to be full of words that aren't abbrieviated (and that are spelled properly), I even write numbers as words also. It just seems right. If I am using a mathmatical formulae, then yes, I will use numbers. But if it is online, or writing a number in a sentance, then I will use the word instead. Trash me, I'm not bothered if you do. It's my way of thinking.

I'll finnish soon enough, I've taken up too much space from the internet as it is. My friends are starting bands with eachother/people in their friend circle, yet the bands are either metal or scene (I think anyroad). I too would like to start a band, a punk-esque band, that have GreenDay (Dookie years), Nirvana and bands like those as influences. I don't want to do it for success, money, or anything like that. I just want to try and start something that will produce (hopefully) great music, regardless of if there are lyrics or not. I don't know if I am alone in this, most probably I am. Ah well, if nobody is, I could always try and do something in free lessons in school... well, though we've only got ten days left in that shitehole...

I should piss off now, I've seemed to given you a migrane.


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Fifteen, Love.

See what I did there? Tennis season now, and this would be my fifteenth published post. Whao, I'm so postmodern...

It's the first of July. Seventeen days 'till the death of the school year. Chances are next to none as to if I'll see my friends during the school holidays, the whole six weeks of it. Ah well, same as every year, so I've grown used to it. At least this year I've got more stuff to do in the house. Kinda. And when I go back to school in September, I'll be less than a year away from University. So there's a possibility that I hardly see my friends. Such a happy thing to say for the begining of a blog, ya? Maybe I'm just destined to be alone until I actually grow a spine/personality/decent hairstyle. Maybe you think the last sentence is a tad emo. Ah well, does it really matter in the end?

Like today, right. Dinnertime (or last lesson, which I had none of it), I was listening to a conversation about death and whatever's after it (or, they were talking about something totally different and I made the whole convo in my head). I sometimes think about it myself. But the thing is, I realise that the thing I am thinking about is actually the only thing I am sure of when I'm older (be that in three decades or in three seconds). And I just panic. I literally, stop what I was currently doing (be that colouring in a piece of paper or listening to something), stare straight forward and breathe deeply and quickly.

This is the only thing I am genuinly shitscared of. Dying. Because I have no idea what happens after it. Do you just not feel, see, smell or hear anything, and everything's just a black aura? Or is there actually some life after death, either that we get reborn as another being on this planet or there is actually a blog in the sky for me to write shaite things in? 'Cause if I knew what was after death, I'll probably be more accepting to my fate, even if it is the whole blackful of nothingness, because I can prepare myself for not being able to be surrounded by life. II don't know if this makes sense to you, it doesn't really make sense to me totally... but because of all these theories (I am actually including religion in this also), I am dreading the day that I'll be lying on my final bed... I actually remember one of the first times this came to mind for me. On the BBC 10pm News, when I was roughly six, seven, they said that the universe will not end in a big bang, but in a puff of smoke. I thaught about it and I thaught they meant that it will happen in the next year or so. I ran into my sisters' room, and the main thing I remember is being hugged by my eldest sister, and I was repeating the same pathetic words, 'I don't want to die'. I think I might have been the first in my year to actually say that line. Everyone else pretended to be a fairy or something that will live forever, and I was thinking that I will end up as nothing, not even a dent in the barrier that we call history. That night has actually effected me in a bigger way than I originally thaught. Maybe if I never saw that news bulletin, I'd be a totally different person. But, as it stands, I'm this human being, hoping that I won't just 'be' for all my life. Hoping that I will do something of worth in my life, something that will last decades after my passing.

So far, what have I actually done that's of worth? Nothing. While others have gotten grades in their respective instruments, mingled with many a people, managed to gain a strong relationship (be that friendship or a relationship) with someone, seen places outside their homeland and just basically went out, doing stuff. I didn't do anything at all until year nine or ten, when I started playing cricket. But, after three games, and bowling in two, I gave up because I couldn't stand the whole 'I shagged six girls in my lifetime, the last one I shared with a beaver and an otter' type convos between the boys that beleived George Bush was the president for a company who sells hedges. I was pretty shaite at it anyways, so what's the point in doing something just to end up as crap as you were at the beginning?

That's another thing that's linked to me, how I am and that. I am extremely antisocial. I also have trouble to have a conversation about nothing whatsoever to someone that I've never met in my life.... Take this Clic weekend I went to last weekend (if you don't know what Clic is, go to

I was the only one from Rhondda Cynon Taf, and that's only because I went to work experience with the company who have the contract of Clic. In the bus up to Llangollen (which actually took us to Aberystwyth first then to Llangollen 'cause we followed the A470 all the way up), all I did was stare out of the window, watching all the trees, cars, mountains roll by while everyone else was chatting and listening to their 'songs'. When we stopped at Burger King, I sat on my own, eating my chicken and chip burger. When we finally arrived, I just stood around, the numpty I am, while everyone else is happily chatting to people they've never met. Dinner was the same, until two dudes came to me. I felt awkward, felt like everytime they thaught of something to talk to me about, I just killed it a second later. It was only like at ten in the night when I was talking to a boy from Neath, I started talking to him about the whole thing we were up there for, and I started to become at ease with him, then another dude showed up and the same followed. I kinda knew I'm better getting to know someone on our own and not in a group. Next day, everyone was on about why I didn't eat breakfast, but won't go into that now.

The workshops themselves were good. And the staff, apart from one or two. Because I was already in work experience with some of them, I felt fine when they approached me about something. And because the group I was in, I felt fine. Then in the night some idiots came towards me because 'you is shit at pool, bruv' (they did talk like that). Nothing else happened really. And no, I didn't pull anyone. That's for the people who think I did...

Bloody hell, I'm gonna hate tonight. Trying to get to sleep in this heat and all shit things circling in my brain. Ah well. Wish I could write more in this, but the internet's gonna go off in a minute because everyone else in my family's going to bed.

So, I shall see you next time, if there is a next time.

Nacht, mon dudes....