Sunday, June 21, 2009

"One Baby To Another Says, I'm Lucky To Have Met You"

I shall be frank, well to be fair it's better than being Gareth... damn, I despise the name...

To be fair like, I'm starting to take a real disliking to modern life... It's like, nearly everything these days is about looks, or things that's happening this minute or what happened three days ago, because it was so hilarious/shocking/epic. To be fair, who really cares in the long run? Just because you went out on a night on the tiles, doesn't mean it's good to brag at the fact that 'I had three Carlings and was only slightly hammered'. Yeah, like drinking pissloads of toxins makes you a God amongst men all of a sudden. I can't really imagine, milleniums ago, that stone age dudes were bragging about how many times they had sex with their partners, or how many partners they've had. Big fucking deal.

'Ah, your just jealous because you're still a virgin'....

Yeah, and? Sorry, that was a thing someone said to me on the bus. She was in year seven. That's like twelve, thirteen years old. And she's trying to make me feel bad because I haven't bowed down to peer pressure and bonk the nearest harlet who'd give blowjobs for a packet of Wotsits. I know, I'm going to sound pathetic, but I want my first time to be special, well... with someone I actually care about, be that this year or in ten, twenty years time. How would you feel if you popped your cork for the first time, realising three days before that, the person your cork was popped by had some sort of desiese that made you infertile, or worse could kill you, and you only realised that after you had a test before you tried to start a family with someone you love? Yeah, that's a nice thing to say to your future partner. "Sorry love, no kids for us. I let my shaft rule my head and now I have an uncurable desiese that will eventually kill me in these next few months. On the plus side, you'll get most of my life earnings because you have nice tits"... and no, I'm not like that. I don't mind saying it, or being like that. I hate it though when people try to put me down because of it... or because it's for religious reasons...

If you are religious, please understand that this next paragragh or two is only MY OPINION. If you go all 'BLAH BLAH BLAH YOUR WRONG INNEH BECAUSE GOD IS REAL BECAUSE WE WOULDN'T BE HERE IF HE WEREN'T', you just prove how blinkered your vision is. Because there is more prove to it, I believe that the big bang theory happened, though I wonder what made it. Was it some clouds of gas that existed there before the big bang randomly exploded? Did God (or whoever you believe in) set everything ready, and just pressed a 'generate' button on his version of Windows (or Mac, depending on your outlook on life)? Or did some mythical creature randomly light a fart and aimed it at a blank canvas? See, nobody really knows, innit? And talking about God and that, and I admit I will sound like a pathetic child for this, I don't believe in the same God that Christians, or any religion, does. That said, I do actually believe that something is up there. Yes, I may call him/her God, but he is (again with the patheticness) my God. He's (I'll call God a male for the duration now, less typing, though I believe God can be either male or female) not this ideal being that has not sinned, lived or died. He's this real person, not really having a face that I've seen before (let me guess what your thinking "Gareth's a nut, I knew it", I'm not... much of one anyways), that's actually been on earth, actually seen the same views that I can/will see, even inhaled the same air as I will. Someone who actually has made many more mistakes than you and I will ever do. A human that's done all of this, yet with none of this 'saviour' stuff. And someone who doesn't need to be worshipped endless times a year. You might think now, "That's a bit lazy, Ga", well no it's not. Well, I don't believe so. Just because that if I worshipped God (I'm on about all types now) in a different way than what is expected, then I will be shunned for all eternity and a half. Maybe this is my way of worshipping, maybe actually being alive is worship in itself.

And, like many people in the world, I have majorly contradicted myself, and, unlike many people, I shall admit that with all the strenght that I have (though that's not much, so text'll have to do). Because I accept all the stuff scientists said. I admit that the universe is ever expanding, that the mere fact of us being alive is a lottery that we won. Fuck, I'm bloody taking Chemistry and Physics, for crying out loud! Also, if someone comes up to me, talking about religion, and talking about why they believe in their religion, I will happily listen. But the moment you try to force your beliefs onto me, or try to convert me into your way of thinking, then I instantly shut down all emotion and basically ignore you, not taking anything in. I'm more than happy to understand other cultures more, and that has no word of a lie in that last comment.

That's the religion bullshit done with for now, jsut got a couple of things I feel like I've got to say....

First thing is, basically it about food, and the reasons why I don't eat the 'average amount of food for my age'. Basically, I just see it as a resourse. Food is some items that must be comsumed to gain energy, nutrience and any other helpful stuff. Though I don't see the point in eating food for the sake of it. Before, when I was talking to my mother, she said "you're just like my grandfather". Like me with a pastie a day, he used to have the same meal for years on in. "I asked him why, he replied 'I don't live to eat, I eat to live'", or something along those lines. And that's exactly it. I must eat to stay alive. If we didn't have to eat to live, I wouldn't eat. Or eat as little as possible. Again, this might sound pathetic to you. To be fair, if it does, I'm not bothered. It's my way of thinking, at least we have that these days, innit?

Also, I want to apologise. Apologise to basically everyone. I know I can be a prick at times (at times? And the rest...), and I can honestly say that I don't mean to. I guess I'm slightly illiterate in the social scene (I couldn't think of a word other than illiterate there). Also, the fact that, y'know, just go quiet for no reason whatsoever. It pisses me off to. Lastly, I'm sorry for the fact that I may say sorry over and over. I do feel that I have to constantly apollogise for everything I do/say/think/feel. That's it for the apologies things.

That pretty much covers a lot of things that's built up in me for a long time, apart from one major thing. Though I doubt that'll never come to life online, only by word to someone I feel I can trust them. Only thing really to say about it the title. It's the first line to a Nivarna song, called 'Drain You'. It's a brilliant song from a band that achieved so much, even after they disbanded.

Yep, that's it now. I jsut realised the paragraph that I was apologising in reads like a suicide note. Shit. There is no way I am going to commit suicide. Trust me.

That's all folks.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thou Shalt Not Post Blogs At An Upmost Rapid Haste...... Bastard.

I've kinda gone blog mad, eh? Ah well, nawt else to do now other than endure six weeks of A level work. Joy. This is literaly how, for one, how bad my spelling and punctuation is, and two how much contact I have with my friends outside of school. Take now, for instance. Three people are on MSN, nobody's talking to me. Sob sob. Then again, I've only got like thirteen people on my contact list. Can't be arsed to have people that I never see on my MSN. It's like buying a pack of fruit pastils, just to have ONE of them. Where's the point in that?

Anyways, enough of my lack of MSN usage. One thing I don't understand, and maybe you might help me with this one (shite, I'm talking to my blog, help?). England just slightly destroyed Andora or some place like that in football. Even though it was on like half an hour ago, on ITV1, they are still playing the highlights in ten minutes. I mean, why the figity fuck? They could have at least put it on like ITV3 or something. Ah fuck it. What's my ranting going to do, eh?

This, is going to sound pathetic. Most likely your response would be 'when don't you sound pathetic?'. Ah well. Apart from realising that I have used the term 'ah well' too many times in recent posts, I've also realised that everytime one small thing happens, I just feel all weird. Like I see one photo and I have the same feelings and thoughts coming up. They both have the 'oh shit' term surrounding it. No idea why this is happening. Though these things go when I see the same thing for a second, third time. Yeah, I know. Pathetic.

To be fair like, these posts I've done that have been closer together and have been shorter. Ah well. There's that phrase again. Expect a long one soon. Maybe if I think of something shaite, I'll try a short story. Don't expect anything better than the other two. I've still got less skill when it comes to writing than I do with playing guitar.

That'll be all, though if you would like to stay, please feel free to have a virtual cookie or seven.

Guten Nacht, homie.

Monday, June 08, 2009

''Ain't Got No Cash, Ain't Got No Style, Ain't Got No Gal To Make You Smile. But Don't Worry. Be Happy."

Yes, it's that time where the thaughts, feelings and misspellings of my life are shown on your monitor like some gutted fish being shagged by a dog on viagra. And yes, my metaphors, similies and comedy doesn't fair as good either. Ah well, why not.

So, started the A level courses today. Felt no different to AS. Just felt like the day everyone chose to bury any of the subjects to the cemetery of regrets or battle on in the fight of knowledge. Though for me I just decided to trundle on with the three subjects I have, since Art ditched me like an out-of-date condom. Ah well, at least I've still got my two sciences, and music tech, I have a feeling I'm gonna fuck that up so bad, I'd be lucky if I get a U in it.

Yeah, this is gonna be a short one, because for one, I really cannot be arsed. Two, there's no point. And three, I've got too much stuff on my mind to concentrate on anything funny to say. Other than Stuart Francis, funny dude. =).

Hwyl fawr am y tro, dudes.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I've Got Wood...

Yeah, I've got some hard wood...... ceiling... hard wood ceiling.

Sorry for dissappointing you... =Z.

Ah well. For some reason everytime I see someone I know's blog, it makes me wanna write a blog, ah it's a bit like yawning, I suppose. Like when you talk about yawning, it makes you yawn apparently. I don't think reading about it works though. Unless you're reading this, so I guess you can yawn for Swansea, eh?

Ah, it's a saturday. And I just said that sentence in an Irish accent in my head. Ah, how I long to be an Irish sort o' fella. Or a rasta...

I won't lie to you, this blog entry is like a broken pensil.... it's pointless. Oh, I bet I made you like an egg and cracked you up with that.... but not with the egg one.... I guess it was off...

Oh yeah. I've seen a banjo with my very own eyes. I KNOW! They are like, totally cool. Aren't they tuned to like, fifths and guitars are like, well tuned to fourths? Oh, Em, Gee..... how did you know?...

Shit.. went all girlie girl. But I DID see a totally spiffing banjo. It sounds cool. And I saw my bass... that I wanna get anyways. And is it. Yeah, I want the GOTH one. because it's CHEAPER. =). I have a sad life, I know that. Also, if you do click that link, go to the 'Goth 1958 Explorer'.... that's me guitar I've had my beadie eye on. Yes, I ive you permission to take the piss out of me because they do look slightly similar in design, but then again, look at millions of guitars and basses. That bloody Strat look. Grrrrr. And the Les Paul.... Let me tell you something.... I hate the LP shape. It's over-fudging-used, which contrasts to Briittney Spears' vocal usage in live shows... =). But like, yeah. Word up dude. I mean, take the Thunderbird (that's the bass, there is a guitar version called the Firebird. They were SOO inventive with the names. I like totally agree. Me too. Well that's lame. What? You don't have you're own opions? Yeah I do. Then prove it. What? Prove that you have your own opinions. Well, I have to STOP GOING GIRLIE GIRL. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Damn Family Guy, that's all that I'm saying...

Hey, just a random thought... anyone fancy coming to my house, so I can give you a Sharpie pen and you can write whatever you want on my bedroom walls?

.... And I bet you thought 'sharpie pen' was an euphimism. I've just looked up, and read things from my wall such as 'break wind not hearts', 'I ate Spider-Pig', and 'Mae en i calon lan. Inneh fach?'. Like, three years ago the only writing I had on my walls was, and I know you'll think I'm a sad arsehole with no life when I say this... ah right, here it goes... I wrote Guitar Hero scores on my wall. Only for the song 'Free Bird' mind. Please don't be mad. I promise not to be a sad arsehole again. I can't promise that I'll change the 'with no life' part of it. D'you forgive me? If not then if you taste something funny when you wake up... that's my spit. If you do forgive me then thanks honey. =). Then the whole writing things on walls went all over, from quotes taht I found funny (loads from Mock The Week) to random shit that people will say it's funny and they'll laugh. But they won't mean it. Because they are on to me... anyways. There's one thing that I've wrote on my wall that is like the truth of all that is caged in my bedroom of frankly shite thaughts....

'The writing on these walls definately proved I need a girlfriend'.

And yes, that quote deserves it's own line. Because it's true in all my writing sections of my life. Take this blog for instance. I've like written, how many blogs? Well, not including this one, ten. Ten blogs. And I've I had a life, I would've been outside, getting pissed and hoping for some action. But no. I wrote ten blogs. And the countless images I've edited and made. Shit. I've actually wasted my life on the internet and computer equipment. Man, what a sad thing to write. But in that case... why am I still typing? For that, I do not know....

Earlier on today, I tried to make a flash MySpace page. I failed. Like I did with my Physics exam. Booo to exams. Booo. I'm so extreme, I do booos with three O's, not two. Booo. Yeah. Hardcore is just mere sawdust compared to me when I type BOOO. Oh, I've just raised the stakes. I've raised the stakes just there. And Caps Lock was NOT even on. Not even on. Man, that quote on my wall is REALLY true... so's the big bold word 'SHUN the non-believers'. Yes. I like unicorns. Especially if one of them's named Charlie.


Oh, get a tan....

Ah well, this is long enough... for now.

Might as well make like a tampon and get out of this bloody hole.... =). One of my sister's ones.... jokes, I mean. Not tampons....

Ciao, bella.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

How To Make The Most Dangerous Water Bomb... Innit.

You get some Frankium, you get it into an aeroplane, you fiy it to an ocean and drop the Frankium into the water. Then all you have to do is hope your aeroplane has some nitrous...

Yes, I have a Chemistry exam tomorrow. Why is it that I don't feel like I haven't got an exam?
Why is it that all I feel is that it's just another Chemistry work that I've got to work to, but without the help of any teachers? It's been the same in every exam I've done. From the exams in year three, all the way through to the one's in Sixth form. All I see them as is a piece of paper (which some of them are liars. Blank page, my arse), that I have to work through for a set amount of time. There's only been two exams that I've been nervous about, and both of them were for Welsh Oral in GCSE, and that's because (a) I talk utter bullshit, (b) I feel stupid talking about a subject that I have no feelings towards (that's for the language oral exam) and (c), nobody would really be interested in my opinions so why bother say them anyways? Anyroad, yep, in twelve hours, I'll be sat in the Uned in school, with everyone else going ''SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT CEMEG SHIT CEMEG'', and I'll be just sitting there, wondering why the fudge everyone's so nervous. And then, if I found the paper not bad, but then everyone else thinks it was the hardest thing since Viagra was injected into Titanium, it makes me doubt myself, and makes me feel shaite 'cause I feel big-headed. And there's this whole 'finishing way before the exam's finished' thing I have. Apart from the three exams I've done already (Music Technology and two Physics exams), I've finished every other exam I've done, way before the teacher says ''you have fifteen minutes remaining''. By then I've aready answered every question, read over them three times and counted every brick that faces me straight on. Ah well, I suppose it's better shitting myself before each exam. I do all that for the results day. Happy days.

Well, I'll be off, like the lights in my room. Ehehe.

Au revoir, dudes.