Monday, December 26, 2011

Winning, Work, Wankers

That basically sums this past year.

But like last year and the year before, I'm going to be somewhat of an arsehole and write a "review" or my year on New Year's Eve. Well, unless someone suddenly goes "oh G, come over mine and we can do ze funky, ya?"

Anyroad, hello. It's been a while. And is it just me, or are nearly every article or post I write begin with a short sentence and then a longer follow-up sentence? I don't know, I think it's just proof of my inability to capture someone's attention. It is a shame.

So yeah, I've ben busy with work and university. Oh, and since I've bought it, I've played Dissidia Duodecim every day. I've clocked over 150 hours so far. I need a life. But then again, it's a Final Fantasy title

Also, I have realised that I am extremely agist when it comes to playing as a manager in the Fifa games.

Every time I have a title, I start a season with Chelsea. Every time, I sell anyone over the age of 25. I sell Drogba, Lampard, and the like, and I start buying players. Usually, I get players who are between 17 and 21, and I buy players who are between 70 and 85 overall rating. Why? Because I can. That, and I think of the situation three (in-game) years down the line. Well, that's what I think, anyway.

Anyway, I started writing this on the seventeenth of December, and now it's Boxing Day. Here is the obligatory review of Christmas.

I woke up at eight in the morning, and then went downstairs with my fellow siblings. One was overly happy that it was t'baby Jesus' birthday, the other extremely annoyed because she didn't get her way. Joy.

Anyway, we turned downstairs to give and receive gifts. But before I continue, a word from our sponsors. Wait a minute, I have no sponsors... Shit.

Off topic, but a note to the program "Most Annoying People 2011" for the BBC - you do realise that things like 3DTV, Harry Potter movies and zumba dancing is not dancing? You do realise this, yet your program is called Most Annoying People? BBC, I am disappoint.

Also, why must the media revel in disappointment and embarrassment instead of celebration and achievement? Where's the "Best Things of 2011" show? Where's the feature about the happy things of the year? Nowhere. Fuck you BBC, and all that you stand for when it comes to producing television programs.

Anyway, this year was just as the last and will be next year. Basically, two of my sisters gave me clothes while one sister and my mother presented me with technological gifts. Shame nobody got me Final Fantasy Tactics: War Of The Lions or any gift cards for PSN to allow me to get a Final Fantasy title on my PSP, but it doesn't matter, really.

After doing other stuff, like going up my sister's house to see my nephew and all that, I was home for three hours in my room, most of which I slept because I was up until three the previous night (because sleep is one bodily function that I will despise all my life). Then, I was told that we wouldn't have Christmas dinner, so we just had a form of curry. Lovely.

Anyway, I can't think of anything else of worth to say, apart from that I honestly cannot wait for Final Fantasy XIII-2. Oh, and Type-0, which I really hope comes with an English dub soon to the PSP. Come on, Squeenix, you know you love us fans, yeah? Hehe.

Talking about gaming, am I the only person who thinks that the Uncharted series is extremely overrated? To me, it just looks really boring gameplay-wise, and the graphics aren't that good either. The only saving point that it has is the lighting's rather good, but nothing more.

Also, I finally watched a scene from Big Bang Theory, and I just find it... I don't know... It just seems rather boring and forced. Nothing's organic in it. Maybe I over-think stuff. Maybe I secretly hate every US program. Meh.

So, with that unpopular opinion, I shall end this post. Au revoir, boo.

- Now give us some FINny pudding...

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