Friday, April 08, 2011

Film Me In

I apologise that my blogging has been rather rubbish of late, I have been rather busy doing some stuff.

Anyway, it's done.


I have completed my first year of university... kind of.

My lectures have finished formally. No more this year do I have to go to university and endure hours of lectures with people who seem uninterested in the subject matter in hand. Don't get me wrong, the lecturers were decent enough, it just seemed that only a handful of the students in the course want to learn, the others just seem to be interested in getting pissed or thinking that getting into university is enough. Ah well, don't have to worry about them for another few months.

Saying that I'm off from university, I have six assignments due in by May sometime - one for each module. Yes, I have to resit one assignment for Video Production. Yes, it was the group assignment. I knew we didn't finish the video, but the rest of the group thought otherwise. Ah well, can't change that now, can we?

In other news, I've received my second first in an assignment. Guess what for? Yes, for Electronics, again. Fuck yeah. And the next assignment for Electronics involve logic gates, something I learned about in GCSE Electronics. This is going to be interesting.

So yes, I have six assignments due in on May, then I'm free for the rest of the educational year. Though, during next week, I shall be heading Brighton for a video conference thing with Tantrwm, the guys who help run Wicid. Apparently, I'll be helping out with cameras and all that, maybe some editing (but probably nothing major). Should be fun, should be interesting.

Interesting thing to note to the fans of facts, this will be the first time I'll be sleeping somewhere outside of Wales that I can remember. Yes, I've been to France when I was younger, but that was when I was three, four.

Anyway, I shall leave you now. I have a pain in my leg. E-cookies to the first one to guess what leg.

- Fuck me, I've FIN'd university for the year...

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