Sunday, June 08, 2014

How Hearthstone Became Dull

After watching TotalBiscuit play through the game during its closed beta, I was interested in Hearthstone and started playing the moment it became an open beta. From the day I started playing, which sat nicely with the time I needed to concentrate on my university...

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Universal Overhaul: Final Steps

Less than eight months ago, I had the idea of redesigning the university I decided to attend. And now, in the last week of May, I finished my years in higher education. Now, all that remains from that project now hangs in my study room...

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Playing In After Effects – SleepyBear App Concept

For a few weeks now, I’ve had my computer bulked up so it would perform much nicer for animation and 3D work. So, to see how my improved machine handles, I thought I’d test it out by creating a video for a app idea for...

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dear World: Films And Cinematography

For some reason, since starting my university course and carrying on until my latest job, I’ve been asked one thing over and over again – why don’t you watch films? I was first asked this when I went back in the spring term of my...

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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Review: Saints Row IV

Should be noted that I wrote this originally for CLIConline on the 16th of September 2013. It’s an exciting time for gaming. The new incarnations of the Playstation and Xbox are arriving in a matter of months and a great line-up for gaming, with new...

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Twenty-Six Days Later

Back in the day, when I used to hap-hazardly update a blog on Blogger about how my sleep was effed up and questioned things that only mattered to me and a cactus called Jim, I wrote something at the end of the year, somewhat of...

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