Friday, November 08, 2013

FAQ Me: Shutter Speeds In DSLR Video

Something something REDmatter. Something something writing about common mistakes in something. Something something things about shutter speed. Something. 1 – Normal Lighting (or to get a cinematic feel) I am going to give you a simple formula. Shutter Speed = 1/2(Frame Rate) So, let’s use an example that I use all the time. I usually...

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Friday, November 01, 2013

Past Vlog Editing Exploits

I used to do a bit of editing, back in the day like. For some reason, my favourite genre of video editing is indeed vlogging. There’s something about editing vlogs that is both nice to do and entertaining at the same time. Mainly because it’s fun scrubbing between two or so frames and making people...

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