Note - Yeah, I have no idea what the post title means either...
Because I have no sense of anything, here is a post sighting recent annoyances. Not really targeted at anyone.
So, in other terms, if you decide to stop reading at this minute, I will not know, so it really doesn't matter.
FIrst off, people who ask me to do stuff, but makes it seem that it's the most important thing ever.
Please stop this. Really, it's annoying. You know how it seems when you ask for something in a "caring, considerate" way? You look patronising, like you're talking to a four year old and not someone five times that age.
I don't mind if you accidentally do so once in a blue moon, but not every freaking time. Talking like that doesn't make you better with children, either. It makes you a patronising bitch who thinks the only thing that's important in life is if it's something for you. Grow the fuck up.
Side note, calling a child "chicken" is probably the most horrible thing I've ever seen. It's so affectionate, yeah? You know, calling someone you love a farm animal that we kill to feed the human race. Lovely.
Second, people who complain about their choices, especially university courses.
Again, grow the fuck up. If you were thoughtful of your future, you would have looked into your preferred course. Now, you're nearly at the end of your second year and you're complaining that the course wasn't what you thought it was. It's almost exactly as it was described. The only differences are the changes the lecturers did half way through the course.
Also, fuck off with this don't like it, won't do it attitude. If you don't like it, swallow your feelings towards it and just get it over and done with. You'll get it over quicker that way.
Third, which is a link to the second point. You've studied in Wales for two years, and yet you insist to rip the piss out of the language and the accent. Really? Fuck you.
Also, your ignorance in asking why S4C is on channel four is impeccable.
Fourth, to everyone. Accept it when someone says no to something you've asked someone to do. It is not the end of the world if someone doesn't want to do something. If it's urgent and life threatening, then I understand, but I don't understand the questions that follow a denial of something. Fuck up or fuck off.
Fifth, what's the point in pointing out things that people do? Yes, I'm usually in my room and I look at funny stuff on the internet. By definition, funny stuff makes people laugh, meaning that I will possibly laugh in result. What is the point in mentioning that you can hear me laugh while in a different room?
That's it for the annoyances for now.
In other news, I have completed Final Fantasy XIII-2 (hint - there might be spoilers, but not a lot), and for some reason I'm hoping for a sequel. The only thing I will say about the story is that it seems a little to Emperor Strikes Back the more I think about it. But it does kind of hold potential for a sequel. I mean, the Farron sisters are in some way mute from life at the end of XIII-2, and all I can think of is a story driven by them, with a team of just them and the monster system.
That said, I'm not hoping for a sequel because I want Lightning, Fang and all them to live. There was absolutely no closure at the end of XIII-2, other than Hope grew up rather well (as in, he wasn't the needy runt like in XIII) and all of Noel's alternative outfits are shit ugly.
I mean, if they had the same story mechanics as XIII (as in swap from one group to another throughout the story) with the battle and leveling up system of XIII-2 and you've already on a winner. Fuck, I wouldn't care if Hope was playable. Actually, I can see that happening. Hope and Noel on one side of the story while Lightning and Serah in a different scenario for the other side of the story. I don't know, I'm just talking utter nonsense now.
Also, I've finished Assassin's Creed Revelations. Loved it, and surprisingly finished it rather quickly. Roll on III, I say.
University wise, I have still not failed anything this year, yet my run of no results under 60% has failed, with my sound technology assignment falling somewhere in the 50% region. Nothing to cry about, but just something to make me think.
I'll end it here, m'need to do shitloads of editing and writing because I have no soul, ya?
- The FIN is my only family.