It seems that every time I try to start a blog post these days, all I want to do is to start it by just saying "hello there". Hopefully I've avoided it for this post at least.
So, it's mid January. And in just over two weeks, I should have my copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2. So, that should fill up almost all of my weekend time, unless I do something stupid like need to finish other assignments or buy an older game to play while I wait for it and it comes later than expected...
I need to do both.
Luckily, I only have two assignments to do this January, with the rest of them due March time. I have nearly finished one and nearly started the other. Joys.
One question mind, how do you create a visual diary for something you've created from the top of your head? I'm not saying Oh, look at me, I can design the heavens without visiting hell or some other obscure comparison to my situation. I just find it extremely hard to research for my assignments, even if I've done the assignment before the research. Curse you, mind of procrastination.
Also, on the weekend I visited a website called Amazon, have you heard about it? Well, I went on it to see about a game. and I bought one. Even though two weeks ago I received my copy of Final Fantasy Tactics, I've just been stuck on After Effects and that.
I've got to stop italicizing stuff.
Anyway, I've bought a new game. Well, I say new, it's been out for ages. It's Assassin's Creed II.
For some reason, I've started to get intrigued by it. I played the first game a few months after it came out and I didn't really like it, but since it was rather cheap, I picked it up. Happy days.
In other news, I'm ill. I have a cold thing going on. And I hate it.
Not because I'm ill.
Because it feels that I'm wasting time, and money, for my employers.
I've got to phone up a few people for some reason or other, and I have started doing so, but I've just felt utterly crap. Not to mention my throat's feeling like there's two sand-paper men wrestling in the arena known as my throat. And it doesn't hurt as much as it is annoying. The last thing I want to do is be a bad example, coughing every thirty seconds and sounding as unclear as why people like Justin Bieber.
I don't know. I can't think straight.
But I will ask for your assistance.
Will you do me a favour?
Will you visit my university YouTube channel and subscribe to it, and maybe comment on some of the videos?
Here's a link to the YouTube channel, and here's a link to why and what I'm doing (it).
I can't think of how to end this in an interesting way...
That'll do.
- I think I had a FIN, a FIN of being alone. I just wanted someone, anyone, beside me. So I wouldn't have to feel alone anymore.