It's quarter past one in the twentieth morning of May in 2011. I should be asleep.
I was asleep. Well, I thought I was.
Then, I freaked out. For no apparent reason.
And yes, it's about fucking death again. I really hate my fucking brain.
According to some Americans or someone else, the Rapture'll come on Saturday. Apparently, it'll definitely come due to some calculations and all that jazz. And before I continue, I don't believe it'll happen.
But, it's brought everything back. Everything I tried to fight against for the past four or so years.
I don't know why, but all this talk about the Rapture's freaking me out.
You should know me by now if you've read some of my blogs and articles on Wicid, I'm no religious person. The logical side of my head is thinking "this is utter bullshit" and "how can anyone believe this?"
The other side? One word - FUCK.
For the past half an hour, I've just laid in bed, staring at the walls and my doom, be that in two days or four decades.
But, you know what? The one of the things that's bugging me about this? Is just that. Why am I worried? Why is a part of me thinking that this is true? I know, I look like a complete gullible fuck here. I also know by writing this, that I'm potentially showing everyone a weakness that someone in the near future will exploit. I don't give a fuck. I need to write this down, for future purposes.
The other thing is, why are there people on this planet blatantly searching for the date of the world's end? Why are there some religious people who actively seek out that date, go on the streets and share this prediction with the world? Do they know what they could be doing to the population of the planet?
Yes, I know the most of them are just thinking "well, might as well max out my credit card then". I know the reason why they're chanting "Judgement Day is upon us" and all that is because they are trying to convert people to their religion through fear, but there could be so many bad repercussions from this. I won't go into detail with it, as it's kind of obvious.
I just don't understand why people revel in the end, y'know? Makes no sense to me whatsoever.
I'll leave you now. I've given you enough ammunition to judge me for at least a year.