Before you think, I'm going all commando on yer arse. I ain't. It's an attack on Final Fantasy XIII. Yeah, still haven't beat it yet... I suck at it. Still, well good, it is. Well good.
Anyways, a big HARRO to you all. I don't know where that came from, maybe deep inside my pointless brain.. oh, sobsob and a packet of weed.
Easter has been and gone. It's been that time of year where I just stay in my room, overhearing different arguments and the like. Also, my mother decided to rename Good Friday "Jesus Slaughtering Day", while Easter Sunday is now "Jesus Respawn Day". Oh, my mother is a loss to the Christian faith...
I'll be honest, I haven't done much revision as I'd hope. I have read over Chemistry. I think I understand Rhydocs now (redox in english, y'know). If you look at the EMF of the different things, the most positive reaction thing goes to the right, meaning it gets rhydwytho'd. This is the ocsidydd. Yeah. Sorry for the wenglish there... and if there is anything wrong with what I just said. Cemeg nerds, feel free to correct me. =].
I've realised that there is a shitload of things that we are supposed to read up on for Music Tech, like the development of technology, how MIDI is used, and different genres. I are fucked. Not only that, I haven't finished Heart Of Glass yet... though I might scrap it and do SuperFreak instead. Yeah, I think I will.
In other news, I can do a Rubix cube. Yeah. Even if I had to google the algorithms for the parts where I was stuck at. But because I did that, I can do them nearly everytime now. Pretty sad, I grant you. Adding to this sadness is that I've been timed twice. The first time was during 'Awr Fawr' (yeah...), while we were waiting for something or other, I did it in over two and a half minutes. Though, three days later, a boy on the bus I catch home timed me again, this time the clock stopped at two minutes and six seconds. Beat that, society.
I have also written many pointless things for Wicid. None of them to do with RCT. The latest one is this one about the possibility of Bebo shutting down because AOL can't keep it afloat. I have written an article about the news that Star Wars will become a sitcom, but that's nut up yet...
Anyways, I have accepted the offer from the Atrium for the Creative Technologies course. All I need is work my arse off big time in these nine weeks left of school. And for the first time, I actually hope these go quickly. Nice.
Ah, feck it, this is a short'un. If I find anything to rant about later tonight, I'll edit this post...
- And in recent news, someone somewhere has done something really obscure, and has made someone in somewhere think "man, I wish the writer of this blog hurries up by saying FIN sometime soon". More after this.