To be fair, this has been a draft that just said 'To be fair,' in it for ages, might as well right something in it, eh?...
So, this time next week, I'd be done with my AS exams... for now. Have a feeling I'm going to resit them again. Music Tech, was shit. Physics, was shit. Chemistry, (will be) shit. Art, was shit (maybe because I got kicked out...). Ah well, I've become a massive failure since... well since I started Rhydfelen, to be fair...
I mean, in Evan James, I got one of the highest marks for Maths (well, overall I had a grade 5 and I had like 95% in one of the papers), Year nine, I had like, seventy percent... for my GCSE's I think I got sixty... though I understood all the work. What the piss is going on, dude? The only subject that has actually done the opposite is English. ENGLISH. Fuck, but anywho... even that's gone down the plughole, like a distressed stray pubic hair, flowing down the drain of uncertainty on the water of doubt. And yes, I've been watching too much Bill Bailey.
Another thing I've been doing too much is lying around, scratching.... I mean, listening to Rise Against... =).
For some weird reason, I've kinda gotten addicted to them. Them and Bullets and Octance... and Slipknot's new album. Yeah, I'm pretty sad...
My bass skill, I believe anyways, has gotten from novice to less-than-average. Yey. It's rather sad, but I can do Psychosocial on bass. Yes, it's not the hardest song in the world (because DragonForce's basslines are SO hard... which totally contrasts from their guitars...), but it's kinda raised my game... woo for me. Also, I've kinda turned into a slapper. That is, on the bass. Ah, I can only do one thing using slapping and popping technique, but I guess I can make it into a practice thing. Now all I got to do now is wait to become a bassist for a band that doesn't mind having a shaite bassist. =).
And I just realised.... how much I swear in blogs... It happens (and be glad I didin't use the phrase that involves feaces...). It's gonna be like what's happened with Green Day and Wal-Mart in the US, with the whole 'Green Day has a parental advicary label on it so we won't stock it' thing. We're fighting the system, dudes! FUCK PARENTAL ADVISORY! AND SPELLCHECKERS!!
I've just looked at the time... it's 23:23. Yey. That means I have like, ninety-six hours to revise Chemistry 2. I am really fucked.
Ah well. Should make like a hockey game and get the puck out of here...
I may return if my boredom desires it. But for now, I see a packet of borbouns that look rather seductive..... and edible....