I don't know. You can tell I've got a vivid way to get people to read my blogs. Considering I haven't done a blog for ages (if you don't consider the ones on Bebo, that's not a hint for you to read them, they're shaite).
It's official.
At least well over half of America ACTUALLY has a brain.
Obama'll be the next president. It's all good. Now all we have to do is endure like a month more of Bush then we can make up crude jokes like 'finally America got rid of their Bush' or something like that. Yeah, I know. I'm crap at jokes.
But like, comparing Bush with Obama, it's like how the heck did Bush get in? Was it because some people sniggered at Bush's name (Yeah, George is a funny name). Or was it because he looks like the Superbowl trophy (bearing in mind I've never seen it, I've only seen computerized American Football)? Either way, he's going and we've finally got someone that we are not ashamed to take aliens to.
That aside, after choosing five subjects to study in A Level. I dropped one. (Shock horror).
Yep, Media Studies has died in my life. It was on the same interest level as the banks are these days (see? I watch the news. Bet your jealous now).
''And see how the camera zooms into her eyes? That shows the emotion that is shown on the actress's...'
Sorry, That button got stuck then.
Anyroad, Still getting through Arth, Chemistry, Physics and Music Tech. 'Tis good. Apart from the fact Sarah keeps saying I suck at Chemistry........ damn her.....
And you can really tell I'm trying my hardest to think of something to write here so I can avoid doing art, right? Hehe.
Well, I suppose I may leave you to go on your merry way.
Au revoir, mon amis.